chapter 10

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Taehyung pinned him against the wall and got really close to his face "So you decided to get drunk so daddy could punish you pretty boy?" It was obvious that both boys were very drunk. Especially Taehyung.....or well Phoenix. Taehyung got really close to Jungkook's ear and whispered "Oh baby....You make me wanna take you right now"

Jungkook's phone then started to ring, He tried to take it out of his pocket since he was very drunk and his hands were shaking "Helro" Jungkook answered

"Huh? Jungkook it's me Jimin. Why do you sound.....ARE YOU DRUNK?"

"Nooooo!!!! Im noy dwunk
Jimin-ssi, How did u get my number?!"

"You gave it to me before you left so in case there was an emergency with Narae, i could call you. She really misses you so id thought id call you" Jimin was about to hang up instead since he could just tell Jungkook was drunk

"I can't so ill cakl you ater JiMiN" Jungkook hung up and threw his phone across the room "You has a veryd nice b..body figure Phoenix"  Jungkook said sliding his hands up and down Taehyung's stomach "I hwonder how long you are-" Taehyung then pulled Jungkook into a tounge kiss. But as soon Taehyung pulled Jungkook's shirt off for him, Jhope bursted through the door, grabbing Jungkook and sprinting out of the club "Hope! What are you doing--" Jhope stuck a needle into Jungkook,  making him pass out from the fluid he injected.

"I just saved your ass from getting raped Jungkook. Jimin just called me and Narae is begging to talk to her dad. And i cant risk you being a bottom for the first time to boy who is a stripper that smashes other young boys too. I want you to do it with someone you love. Not a playboy" Jhope led him into his car and drove him back to Jhope's house instead of his own cuz Narae is going to be crying since she really wants to see her appa.

*At Jhope's house*

Jungkook woke up but he was still pretty drunk, He rubbed his eyes and noticed that he was on a pretty comfortable couch. He layed his head back, closing his eyes while taking deep breaths. "Awake?" Jhope said bringing Jungkook a glass of water. He drank half of it and put it down on the counter next to him, His poor hands were still shaking so he had a hard time putting it down. Jhope helped him "How are you feeling?"

"I dwont even knos Jhop, One miniye im in a bed room and now i ike telepotre into this fancy hotel" Jhope laughed histarically at the drunk Jungkook who had blood shot eyes and he kept rubbing them cuz he was tired. Jhope got up to go get him a blanket. He layed it gentley over  Jungkook's body

"Try to get some sleep" Jhope patted his head "Your probably gonna wake up not knowing where the hell you are too. Good luck at school with massive head aches."

"Waiitt" Jungkook held out his arms "Cab you shleep wit me pleaseeee?? Sleep wit Jeongguk?"

"Ew no. Your a big boy Jeongguk" Jhope laughed "Just try to get some sleep" Jhope turned off the lamp he had in his living room and headed to his room. But he knew he needed Jungkook to sleep near him to make sure he was okay cuz after a few minutes of trying to sleep. He could hear loud moaning coming from the living, meaning Jungkook is doing something.... "Aish that boy!!" Jhope said and got up, walking into the living room and turning on the light. There layed Jungkook with the blanket up to his thighs, biting his lip and shutting his eyes as he punped himself harshly as loud moans escaped his lips "Jungkook what are you doing--- Ooohhh" Jhope stopped himself from saying anything cuz he remembered the first he got drunk, he was very horny too.

"Ahhh~ oh shit Jimin ahh" Jungkook moaned, Jhope looking at him confused onto why he moaned Jimin

"I knew it, It is so obvious those 2 are in love" Jhope smiled "Okay i need to get you to my room before your dick falls off cuz of how hard your jerking off"

Jungkook opend his eyes to see Jhope trying to lift him "RAPE!!! RAPE!!! RAPE!!!!" Jungkook took his hand out of his pants

"Oh my god you baby" Jhope said "Come on, You are sleeping in my room tonight....annnddd you left your shirt at the club, Is this is what its like to take care of a drunk child??"

Jungkook looked at Jhope "Please dont rape me Jhope-ssi"

"Shut up! Im not going to rape you oh my lord child. Just come in my room. And lets change your parents cuz i think you just came didnt you"

Jungkook nodded, blushing "Wanna lick it?"

"Oh god no!"

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