chapter 11-

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Jungkook woke up with a massive headace as he put one hand on his forehead, sitting up and groaning. He then started to panic cuz he didnt recognize where he was "Where am i?? Wait...." Jungkook looked over to see Jhope still sleeping "JHOPE! JHOPE WAKE UP!! IM SO CONFUSED! What happend last night?? How come i cant remember anything???"
Jhope slowly sat up, noticing the both of them had their shirts off "Did we have sex?" Jungkook asked worridly

"Yah!" Jhope said, rubbing his eyes "No we did not. Id never. Im a bottom.....Anyways, You almost did but i saved you! You were drunk as hell Jungkook"

"That's why.....i dont feel good" Jungkook got up and ran towards the bathroom to vomit into the toilet "Awh Jhope! I told you not to let me get drunk! God what time is it?"

Jhope looked at the clock "It's 7:00am"

Jungkook widened his eyes "FUCK! JHOPE I NEED TO GET HOME WITH NARAE!! SHE HAS SCHOOL!! Ugh! But i cant go to school cuz im---" Jungkook started  to vomit again. He could hear Jhope laughing behind him
"-- vomitting my guts out" Jungkook finished his sentence frustrated as Jhope petted his hair

"Here" Jhope grabbed him a plastic bag "Im gonna have you borrow a sweatshirt so your not going home half naked. If you need to throw up, throw up into that bag. God if you didnt drink so much, your hangover wouldn't be this bad."

"You let me!!" Jungkook shouted. Jhope rolled his eyes and threw him a sweatshirt

"Wear this and get in the car. SHIT! I WONDER IF JIMIN IS STILL AT YOUR HOUSE!"
Jungkook ran to the car so Jhope quickly chased after him. Jungkook quickly started to ball his eyes out "Aww Jungkook why are you crying?"

" such a bad father J..Jhope!!" Jungkook sobbed as Jhope started to drive him to his house "N..Narae probably t..thinks i am the worst f..father ever!!"

"Shhh" Jhope put his hand on top of Jungkook's thigh and rubbed it "Everything is going to be okay, Jungkook. She's 5, She probably isnt gonna think too much of it"

Jungkook didnt really listen to Jhope, He just felt so terrible that he left his daughter all night to do something stupid. He felt like a failure.

They arrived at Jungkook's house. Jungkook luckily didnt throw up the whole car ride since he was crying so much. He ran up to the door, Even though Narae wasn't suppose to answer the door, But she just missed her appa so much that she did. Instantly jumping on Jungkook hugging him tightly and he did the same thing, holding Narae tightly. She wrapped her legs around Jungkook so she wouldn't fall since Jungkook was hugging her upper body "I missed you so much" Jungkook said, wipping his tears as he looked at his daughter right in the eyes "I promise you, i will never, ever, do that to you again. Appa was stupid to do what he did and leave you all night with a babysitter. Im so sorry baby. I will never leave you again." Jungkook showered Narae with kisses on her face, making her wipe her tears too as she smiled and laughed "Where's Jimin?" Jungkook asked and She pointed to the couch where Jimin was sleeping peacefully, wrapped up in a blanket. Jungkook adored the male, staring at him. "Are you okay?"

"" Narae said, Jungkook knew something was wrong so he'd know Narae was lying if she said yes. Her eyes were puffy and red. Her voice sounded scratchy. Her forehead was burning up and she was shaking "Appa i dont feel good" Narae admitted

"You dont look good baby" Jungkook felt her forehead "Have you thrown up?" He asked and Narae nodded and held up a number 1, meaning she only did it once. "Lets go check your temputure, Change you and me into some comfortable clothes cuz appa aint feeling to good either. Even if i was feeling good id have to stay here with you which i don't mind spending the whole day with my baby girl. But, Today is Friday so you have a 3 day weekend and so do i. Why did you put school clothes on?" Jungkook carried her into the bathroom and set her down on the toilet seat

She shrugged "I..I thought i was able to go to and Jimin oppa was going to take me. But he heard throwing up really early in the morning and gave me medicine. But i threw it up"

Jungkook sighed, getting out the thermometer "Im going to wake Jimin up after im done fixing up you. Im sorry you feel sick, I hope you get better soon baby"

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