chapter 14-

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Jungkook froze, He should've known that the biggest bully in school did that to him. He is always making fun of Jimin for being fat, ugly, stupid, and all these other mean things he says "He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and pinned me harshly against my locker, punching me several times. I tried yekkklling for help but no one could hear me....I needed you, i wanted you so bad in that moment"

Jungkook moved one of his free hands up Jimin's sweatshirt. He moaned in pain, Squeezing his eyes shut. Jungkook felt Jimin's abs tense up, making him instantly stop "What did they do to you. Not only did they punch you. They've have had to do a lot more damage" Jimin sighed, relaxing and opening his eyes to see Jungkook looking very worried. Jimin took Jungkook's hand out of his sweatshirt "Take your sweatshirt off" Jungkook said and Jimin furrowed his eyebrows

"No" Jimin answered "Im too fat, I cant"

Jungkook bit his lip, trying to think of how to help Jimin "Well then is there anything i can do to make you feel more comfortable? I want to check your body to make sure your okay. Unlike your father, who is probably very abusive towards you"

Jimin smiled a little "Take your shirt off" Jungkook rolled his eyes, smiling. He got off of Jimin and took his shirt off. Jimin gazed upon him....He had some pretty strong looking abs, his arms were also very toned. His whole body was! "Wow...." Jimin accidently said out loud, licking his upper lip.

Jungkook chuckled "Like what you see?" Jimin gasped and blushed, hiding his face with his sweatshirt. Jungkook laughed and pulled him towards Jungkook so that their bodies were very close together, along with their faces "You dont have to take your shirt off if your too uncomfortable. Im not forcing you"

Jimin looked him up and down "You have a very nice body Kooks" Jimin admitted "I wish my body was like that..."

"Well maybe if you'd let me see, You probably have the same body tone as me" Jungkook said "But im not gonna force you to show me. Is there anything i can at least do to make you feel better about your brusies?" Jimin felt like he was going to faint, His crush was finally giving him attention and being all flirty. Jimin did almost fall but Jungkook held his waist to make he didnt

Jimin smirked and got close to Jungkook. He layed down against the pillows so Jimin could sit on his lap "Kiss my brusies, They hurt really bad and need some love" Jimin put his hood down so he could point them out

Jungkook laughed "Whatever you like" Jungkook then started to shower his face with kisses. There was one bruise really close to his lips so instead of kissing it, he kissed Jimin's pink, plump lips. Jimin smiled and wrapped himself around Jungkook

"Jungkook ah?" Jimin said and Jungkook hummed in response, Still hugging him tightly "I feel safe whenever your around me. Especially when im in your arms. I dont know....its like, my negativity goes away when i see you"

Jungkook had Jimin look at him.  Jimin was looking down cuz he was embarrassed, Jungkook lifted his chin so Jimin was looking at him "Im glad i can make you feel that way. I promise i wont let you get beat up ever again, What has happend to you was terrible. I am so sorry i wasn't there to protect you"

Jimin laughed and pecked Jungkook's lip "No need to apologize Kookie. Things will get better"

Jungkook smiled "I hope so" He ran his fingers though Jimin's soft, fluffy black hair "Your really cute. Im glad you moved here to Busan" Jungkook pulled Jimin closer to him "Who knew that i would meet the love of my life" He whispered before kissing Jimin again, but this time, deepening the kiss. Jimin allowed Jungkook to enter his tounge into Jimin's mouth, exploring his wet, hot carven. Soft moans escaped from Jimin's lips, making Jungkook turned on. Jimin bulided up the confidence to take his sweatshirt off

Jungkook started to travel down Jimin's body, trailing open mouth kisses and hickeys "J..Jungkook ah~" Jimin whined

"It's daddy to you" Jungkook smirked, gripping Jimin's waist tighter

Jimin shut his eyes as he moaned "Daddy ah~" Jimin lightly scatched against his back.

Jungkook stopped what he was doing when he heard Narae throwing up again in the bathroom. "Put your sweatshirt back on. She's gonna come in here and tell me she threw up so hurry" Jimin got off of Jungkook and they both put their shirts on.

Narae came into the room a couple seconds later, Jungkook could tell by the look on her face that she wasn't feeling well. Jungkook went up to her and picked her up, feeling her forehead "Appa i don't feel good"

"I know baby, appa will get you some more medicine"

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