chapter 12-

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Jungkook changed into his black sweatpants with a white shirt while he had Narae change into grey sweatpants with an oversized blue sweater that had little bear ears on the hood. Jungkook decided to give Jimin a ride to school, Trying to help build confidence that he can make it through the day without Jungkook being there only for one day since Jimin is a shy boy at school. He tried to tell him he would have fun since Jhope was going to be there.

When Narae is sick, she is very much like a cuddle bug. They were currently on the couch, Narae was in Jungkook's lap as they were watching Disney movies. Jungkook was trying to give her liquids that would be easy on her stomach. Someone then knocked the door, Jungkook got up as Narae sat on the couch all cuddled up in her blanket she had since she was 2. He opened and wanted to slam it right as he saw who it was "How did you find me Jiwoon???" Jungkook said, He looked Narae "Baby go upstairs to your room. Dont question, ill tell you when you can come out. If you have to throw up then that's when you can come out of your room okay?" she got up immediately and went to her room

"I have my ways" Jiwoon snarled, Jungkook rolled his eyes "Can i come in?"

"No" Jungkook said "Me and Narae are both sick, So you'd probably get sick too--"

"Your not sick" Jiwoon put her hand on Jungkook's chest "your hangover is really bad from that strip club you went to last night, you drank a lot. You need to be more careful"


"Shhhh" Jiwoon travled her hand to the collar of Jungkook's shirt "Don't raise your voice when we are around a child who is upstairs! Please, i just wanna talk to you" Jungkook yanked her hand off him. He then started to think that, Jiwoon did have the right to see her daughter after all these years since she's the biological mother.

"Fine, But stay away from-" Jungkook then started to hear footsteps run to the bathroom, Narae was throwing up again
"-her....Shes sick. She has chills and she's vomitting with a high fever" Jungkook let Jiwoon, she helped herself a seat on the nice, black and white couch. Jungkook sat a seat away from her "How did you know i went to a gay strip club last night?"

"I was there too. I saw you. But you looked really drunk so i didn't wanna walk over to you otherwise i think you would've punched me in the face"

"So why did you move back here to Busan?" Jungkook then asked

"Welll my friends thought it would be a good idea to move back here in my home town. Plus i told them i had daughter here so they said i should check up on her. Even though she's sick, can i at least just hold her?"

Jungkook thought for a minute "She can't know who you are. If she finds out your her real mom, she's gonna beg you to stay"

"Well we can try our relationship again--"

"Im gay" Jungkook admitted, Jiwoon looked at him shocked. She didnt know if he was lying or not, but at the same time, she did realize he went to a gay strip club "im sorry. I know Narae isnt gonna understand now that im into guys but....ill explain to her when she gets older"

"Well" Jiwoon put her hand on Jungkook's thigh "You can love whoever you want Jungkook. Maybe ill come back later in life when you 2 aren't sick to see how our daughter is doing"

"Y..yeah" Jungkook slowly took her hand off him

"But before i go" She scootched closer to Jungkook "Can we kiss?"

"Do you not know what gay means?" Jungkook laughed

"I know i know, we haven't kissed in 5 years so can you at least just kiss one more girl before you start moving on to boys?"

Jungkook groaned "Fine! Just this once. You can not tell anyone we did okay? Please"

Jiwoon smiled "I won't!" She then pulled Jungkook in for the kiss. They stayed like that for a little while. Jiwoon was holding Jungkook's head so he wouldn't be able to pull away! Jungkook felt disgusted, He definitely enjoyed a boys lips better than hers. But.....Jungkook did kinda miss her kisses that she shared when they were in their young teenage years

"Appa i---" Narae stopped herself once she saw Jungkook and Jiwoon kissing. Jungkook had his hands around Jiwoons waist. As soon as Jungkook heard Narae's voice, he forcefully pushed himself ofd Jiwoon and snapped his head towards her. Narae looking quite shocked


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