chapter 20-

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Tears filled Narae's eyes " never gonna see e...eomma again?" Narae said, looking at her appa about to burst into tears. Jungkook sighed and didnt respond, He didnt want to explain everything to Narae till she was older. Jimin felt like it was his fault, to Jungkook it was. He was pissed that he now had Narae question all these things. Narae eventually ran upstairs to her room, balling her eyes out.

Jungkook gave Jimin a death glare and chased after Narae. Jimin wanted to start crying to, But he didnt since Narae was already crying and he didnt wanna seem like a crybaby. Jungkook entered her room as he saw the poor 5 year old crying on her bed. Jungkook walked up to her, putting her in his lap as she cried into his chest " so s..sorry" Jungkook's voice cracked as his heart shattered when he hears his baby cry. He hates it, he doesn't like to make her cry. Jungkook had her look at him "Im so sorry life had to be like this for you. Me and your mother.....we are never going to love each other......again. Jimin is your new eomma if we ever get married" Jungkook caressed Narae's cheek. Her sniffles were starting to get softer, meaning she was starting to calm down

"B...but i don't w...want a new eomma i w...want my b..birth eomma. You kissed h..her"

"I understand that baby but we both love different people now. Im in love with Jimin and she's probably in love with a different man. I kissed her because she wanted to do it one more time before we.....split. Im have to accept Jimin as your eomma. He maybe more of a step but......How about this, Ill let you see your biological mother every
once in a while in life. Not every other day, But maybe a couple years by now you can see her. I still have her number when we first started dating....Okay?"

Narae wipped her tears that were falling down her cheek "O...okay appa" She smiled a little bit. Jungkook relaxed after she finally gave in, asking no more questions.  Narae hugged Jungkook, cuddling herself into him

"I love you baby girl" Jungkook said, rubbing her back

"I love you too" Narae breathed "Forever and always?"

"Of course" Jungkook got up and went back downstairs to see if Jimin was still there, He wasn't as expected. Jungkook looked down at his feet, pouting a little bit "I messed up" He whispered to himself. Narae the came walking down the stairs, intertwining her little fingers with Jungkook's. He looked down at his beautiful daughter and smiled a little. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed Jhope's number "Meet me at the park in 5 minutes"

"I can do that" Jhope said "But im with my cousin right now who is around Narae's age"

"That's perfect. Ill see you then" Jungkook hung up and picked Narae up " Let's go to the park"


Jhope choked on his spit after Jungkook was done explaining everything. "So let me get this straight, You asked him out on the same day you guys had a fight and he caused a lot of damage"

"Ya know what its really hard to keep your eyes off your cousin cuz she's wearing her ballerina outfit"

"Well first of all" Jhope clapped in front of Jungkooks face so he could pay attention "She has rehearsals today cuz she's performing over there on that stage my uncle built for her tonight"

Jungkook then started to get curious about Jhope's cousin "Her name?"

"Jung Minseo"


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Jhope laughed "Jesus.....Yes she was. She quit cuz it was too much pressure for her so she decided to do dance at a different studio" 

Jungkook nodded "Ahh, Ill try to make it there then tonight. But do you have any advice to help me with the situation im in right now?"

"Ummm" Jhope thought "Apologize for sure, And be gentle with him. He isnt gonna forgive you right away you know"

"Yeah i know. Thanks hope"

"No problem, I should probably be heading home soon anyways since she needs to practice and i dont want her getting her white uniform all dirty. See ya Kooks"

"Yeah i guess that makes sense. See ya later" Jungkook waved as he walked towards Minseo and told her it was time to go. She nodded and the 2 of them left. Jungkook sighed, laying back on one of the benches that was close to him. Narae walked up to Jungkook all pouty, sitting on his lap "What's wrong"

"Minseo had to leave early" Narae said looking down "She was teaching me some of her ballet moves"

"Well we might go to her performance tonight. Anndd appa has to apologize to Jimin since i made him pretty sad"

"Who's going to watch me??" Narae said all scared

Jungkook laughed and kissed her cheek "your coming with me silly, You can play with Mr. Park while i talk to Jimin"


Accidently made this chapter a little long but at least the longer the better
(That's what she said😋)

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