chapter 23- FINALE

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Vocab for this chapter:

Jungkook = Daddy

Jimin= Appa

Since Jimin and Jungkook are both boys, i didnt realize how werid itd sound if the children called Jimin eomma. Woop


"IM GONNA BE A SISTER???" Narae shouted excited in the car as they were on their way back to Jungkook's house. Jimin decided to tell Narae the news himself since he was the one who was carrying the baby "Is it a boy or a girl??!"

"Its too early to know baby" Jungkook said "im sure all 3 of us want to know if it's a boy or girl. No matter what gender, We'll love them"

Narae pouted as Jungkook pulled into the driveway "I really want a baby sister though!"

"Rae Rae" Jungkook said in a stern voice "Don't talk like that, If its a boy then it's a boy. If its a girl then its a girl. We can't decide the gender baby. Well, We can DNA. I have a lot of boys on my side of the family but the biological mother had a lot of girls so we ended up having a girl"

"I have a lot of boys on my side of the family too" Jimin spoke up "Um.........Jungkook i need to talk to you....alone" Jimin said looking down at his feet

Jungkook nodded "Narae, go upstairs to your room and play for a little bit" Narae went to her room as told "What's up baby boy?"

Jimin started to play with his fingers, Jungkook noticed and lifted his chin up "Um....Are you serious when you wanna move and drop out of school?"

Jungkook chuckled and grabbed Jimin's small waist, pulling him towards the taller "Yes my angel" Jungkook cooed and Jimin blushed "Once Yakkung gets out of jail in 10 years, who knows what he could do and not get caught. I think he'll be a smarter man"

Jimin shrugged "Your right. Thank you" Jimin hugged Jungkook

"Why are you thanking me?" Jungkook asked

"You saved my life. I could've been stuck with that man for the rest of my life, thanks to you, i get to live with you and your beautiful daughter" Jimin put both of his little hands in Jungkook's "I hope you know that i love you very much"

Jungkook smiled "I love you too" he leaned and kissed Jimin's lips "Lets move to Daegu. You said you went there over the summer so you should know your way around a little bit"

"Barely" Jimin chuckled and pressed his nose against Jungkook's "We may not be aloud to get married, But i want to marry so bad Kookie"

"I want to marry you too. Ill get us rings, not engagement rings but rings to let people know your taken. Cuz your my baby"


6 years later

Its been 6 years later since that day, the Jeon family is as happy as ever....

Narae is now a beautiful 11 year old

Along with their other daughter they had, Aubrynn, who just turned 6 years old

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Along with their other daughter they had, Aubrynn, who just turned 6 years old

"Aubrynn, Do you wanna go to the park today?" Jimin asked the little 6 year old who was running around with her sister, almost chasing each other when Jimin stopped her

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"Aubrynn, Do you wanna go to the park today?" Jimin asked the little 6 year old who was running around with her sister, almost chasing each other when Jimin stopped her. He wants her to burn her energy off at the park since she ate leftover birthday cake from her yesterday's birthday party she had. "Narae your coming too. You guys go get your shoes on and meet me out in the car, im gonna go get your father who's in his office" The girls nodded and went upstairs. They shared a bedroom since Jungkook and Jimin didnt feel like paying for a 3 room house in Daegu. Jungkook works as a CEO at a electronics place since he's very into stuff with Tech and Jimin is a vocal coach for teens who are trying improve. Jimin was trying to sneak up behind him till Aubrynn came running in

Jungkook quickly spun his chair around as soon as he heard the little girls footsteps and she jumped on his lap "Daddy!! Appa is taking us to the park! Will you come with us??"

Jungkook smiled and kissed her forehead "Yes of course princess, Ill come with" Jungkook closed out of the assignment he was working on and stood up with Aubrynn in his arms. Narae was leaning against the door way of his office

"Yah!! Appa was gonna scare him Aubrynn!" Narae said with an attitude. Both Jungkook and Jimin looked at each other and mouthed hormones

"Don't get mad at your sister" Jungkook put Aubrynn down "go to the car and wait for us. Narae, make sure your sister doesn't do anything stupid" The girls went to the car and Jungkook grabbed Jimin's waist from behind, pressing his body against his "You were going to scare me..?"

Jimin laughed in embarrassment "M..maybe"

"Well then someone will need a punishment tonight" Jungkook smriked, tightening his grip on Jimin's waist

"Yah! The girls will hear me if you do!" Jimin complained

"I know i was kidding" Jungkook laughed "Come on, lets go"




This book is now officially completed😌 Thank you guys so much for reading and voting on this book!!

If you have any questions:

Questions for Author-nim

Questions for Jungkook

Questions for Jimin

Questions for Narae

Questions for Aubrynn

Questions for Jiwoon

Questions for Yakkung

Ill answer the questions in the next chapter with your username 😌💗💕

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