Part 5: Who are you?

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In a gust of wind, Barry, Iris, and Nora appeared in Star Labs where Cisco, Caitlin, and Harry stood in the Cortex.

"What do we got?" Barry asked Cisco as he walked over to where the engineer was sat glued to his computer screen.

"Well, I noticed a very distinctive pattern with our latest metahuman, " began Cisco, "She seems to have a crazy obsession with the number 13. I noticed that she would rob places that have the number 13 in the address, or unit, or even coordinates. What's even freakier is that she would rob it at the 13th hour, second, or minute." concluded Cisco.

"That is freaky" agreed Barry. "Hey Caitlin did you get anything off that sample I gave you yesterday to what kind of power this metahuman has?" asked Barry.

"Uh yeah," said Caitlin "I'll be right back," she said leaving to retrieve the information she got off the sample. She soon returned back shortly after with a bunch of paper in her hand.

"Well based on the information I received I would say that this substance would have to be some type of acidic slime," she said looking up at the group. Her eyes locked with Nora and she began to feel scared and found it hard to breathe. Harry noticed that the good doctor seemed to be in a state of distressed.

"Snow," he said "Are you ok?" he asked Caitlin worriedly.

"Uh, yeah, yeah" she replied shakingly "I-I'm f-f-fine". She hated not being able to tell her friends what happened. She didn't even know how she got herself in this position in the first place. All she knew was that if she said a word to any of them she will be dead. So she decided to just suck it up for now and hope that things will get better. She smiled nervously at the group hoping they will buy it. Everyone seemed to take the bait excepted for Harry who was not convinced. He felt like Snow's sudden change had something to do with Nora. Suddenly the metahuman alarm went off startling the group.

"Who is it?" asked Barry.

"It's Slime Monster" replied Cisco (btw this character does not exist in the flash universe I made it up. And I know it's a terrible name😁) referring to the woman who was obsessed with the number 13.

"Where is she?" asked Nora.

"13 Tree Blvd. A private owned million dollar cleaning warehouse," replied Cisco and in a flash both Barry and Nora were gone.

They ran through the city leaving behind a trail of purple and yellow lighting. Once they arrived at the scene it was a mess. The door was melted through and there was a giant hole in the middle of the room. There were bodies around the room that were slowly burning away by the acid eating away the flesh off their bones. Nora grimaced at the scene. They slowly made their way through the room looking for Slime Monster. They soon found her at the back of the room trying to fill her duffle bag with as much cash as she can. There was acid oozing all around her so both Barry and Nora knew that trying to flash over there would be a mistake. They needed a way to prevent the acid from harming them and fast.

"Guys," said Barry through the comms "She's here. But how are we supposed to capture her without getting hurt" he asked them quietly so that Slime Monster couldn't hear. There was complete silence on the line until Caitlin had an idea.

"Barry" she called, "You're in a cleaning warehouse, correct?" she asked.

"Yeah why?" asked Barry not understanding how that was going to help him.

"Well since you studied science, I'm sure you're familiar with how to handle an acid spill." she began, "You know when you have a corrosive acid you need a-"

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