Part 31: Going away?

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November 14th, 2018

8:00 am

Henry laid asleep on Caitlin's couch. Fluttering his eyes open, Henry raised an arm to block the bright sunlight seeping in through the windows. Sitting up from the couch Henry glanced at the clock to see that it was 8 o'clock. He just had the best sleep that week. He had no nightmare that entire night.

Huh, I guess talking my problems out actually helped, thought Henry as he got up from the couch.

Raising his hands over his head, Henry stretched before making his way towards the kitchen to make some breakfast for himself and his mother.


9:00 am

Standing by the stove in sweats and a t-shirt, Henry stirred the batter in the pan. Flipping the crepes over, Henry set it aside on the counter beside him with the other stack of crepes. Moving around the kitchen Henry began to hum and dance to the song Umbrella by Rihanna that was playing in the background.

Walking into the kitchen Caitlin was greeted by the smell of freshly made crepes. Seeing her son dancing freely Caitlin smiled as she took a seat next to him on the island. Noticing his mother entering the kitchen Henry turned down the stereo.

"Good morning mom," greeted Henry kissing her on the cheek before flashing away.

"Good morning to you too," smiled Caitlin as Henry set down a platter of crepes in front of her.

"Someone seems pretty chipper today," added Caitlin noticing Henry's change in behavior.

"Yeah, I finally woke up nightmare free for once. I guess talking about my problems really helped," confessed Henry taking a seat beside her.

"Well, that's good to hear," grinned Caitlin glad she was able to help him.

"Bon appétit," said Henry lifting his fork up in the air as Caitlin added her toppings onto her crepes.

"Mhm, ce sont vraiment bons [these are really good]," praised Caitlin in french taking another bite.

"Merci mademoiselle. J'ai appris des meilleurs après tout [Thank you miss. I did learn from the best after all]," winked Henry causing Caitlin to laugh  (Sorry if my French is wrong. I did use Google translate for it).


As Henry poured a cup of coffee for the both of them, the pair began to eat their food in silence. While eating his breakfast, Henry would occasionally steal some glances at his mother. Noticing Henry's odd behavior Caitlin looked up at him.

"What?" asked Caitlin raising an eyebrow at her son.

"Nothing," said Henry shaking his head before looking down and then back up at her again.

"Ok what's up," said Caitlin setting her fork and knife down giving Henry her full attention.

"It's nothing," repeated Henry picking at his food.

"It's not nothing," insisted Caitlin looking at her son. "I can tell that something is wrong. For one thing, your abnormally quiet," pointed out Caitlin looking at Henry who looked at her flabbergasted.

"W-what," stuttered Henry. "That's absurd. I'm normally quiet in the morning," insisted Henry.

"Yeah, when your not talking someone's ear off," teased Caitlin causing Henry to pout making her laugh.

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