Part 18: I love you, Mom

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November 8th, 2018

2:00 am

Walking out of her room, Caitlin headed towards the kitchen for a glass of water. Taking a sip from her glass, Caitlin turned around to see her son tossing and turning on the couch. Setting her glass of water down by the counter, Caitlin took cautious steps towards Henry.

"Henry," called out Caitlin walking towards him.

Henry's Dream P.O.V

..."Say goodbye, Henry," said Nora raising the knife in the air...

...."Noooooooo!!" screamed Henry in horror as he watched the knife penetrated his mother's back...

.....Grabbing his mother just before she could hit the ground, Henry cried out onto his mother's chest.....

......"No.........Mom!" cried Henry moving a piece of hair out of her face. "Please mom," said Henry caressing his mother's face as tears streamed down his own face. "Please wake can' can't leave can't...please," pleaded Henry crying. ....

....."Please mom," cried Henry holding onto her tighter, "I......I need you," choked out Henry through his tears........................................................

Jolting up, a cold sweat running down his back, Henry began to gasp for air.

"Hey, hey," said Caitlin trying to calm Henry down. "It's alright, your safe," replied Caitlin taking a seat on the table near the couch, running a soothing hand down her son's back.

Taking in a deep breath, Henry began to calm his erratic heartbeat.

"You ok?" asked Caitlin after awhile.

"Yeah, yeah," replied Henry nodding his head. "It's just a nightmare," replied Henry wiping a lone tear that fell down his face.

"Do you want to talk about it?" asked Caitlin looking at him.

"No, no," said Henry shaking his head back and forth not wanting to talk about.

"You-you should go back to bed," replied Henry slipping back into the covers. "You need your rest," said Henry beginning to close his eyes.

Standing up, Caitlin looked down at her son biting her lips. "Are you sure you're ok?" asked Caitlin worriedly.

"Yeah. I'm fine," replied Henry faking a yawn.

"Ok," replied Caitlin standing up to walking away. "Just call me if you need anything," said Caitlin grabbing her glass of water she left on the kitchen counter.

"I will," Henry reassured her closing his eyes.

Taking one last look at her son, Caitlin disappeared back into her room. Setting her glass of water down by her nightstand, Caitlin crawled back into bed falling fast asleep.


Hearing the door to his mother's room close, Henry opened his eyes. Throwing the covers off of his body, Henry sat up straight, running a hand across his face. Taking deep breaths in Henry tried to shake away the effect of his nightmare. It felt so real. Like he was actually there, reliving it.

Leaning back against the couch Henry closed his eyes. Ever since his mother had fallen into a coma, Henry had been having nightmares about it. Waking up in the middle of the night screaming, his father, uncles, and the speed force were the ones who helped keep him in check. With their help, the nightmares had eventually stopped after 3 long and exaggerating months. And he had been nightmare free for about 4 months now. But ever since he had gotten back here, his nightmares have been occurring more frequently, getting worse by the minute.

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