Part 14: Return

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Everyone stood in the middle of the Cortex frozen in shock. They watched as Barry & Caitlin's son disappeared in a blinding flash of light-blue lighting causing sheets of paper to fly off the desk.

Suddenly the alarms started going off making everyone turn their heads away from the spot where the young speedster once stood. Pulling up the security footage, Team Flash watched as images and videos of the scene came flooding in.

Playing the video on the monitors across the wall, the gang watched as Henry ran at remarkable speeds creating a breach in the middle of City Hall. Barry ran a hand anxiously through his light brown hair as he watched his son disappear into the breach without a single trace. They had let him go, and now....they had lost him.

That was this afternoon and now it was towards the evening when the sun was setting. Henry had been gone for a couple of hours now and was still not back yet. The Team (Barry, Caitlin. Cisco, Joe, Iris, Harry, Ralph, and Nora) sat anxiously along the Cortex wondering if Henry will ever return. Glancing at the monitors ever so often, the Team looked to see if there were any sudden changes only to be disappointed.

Cisco nervously paced around the Cortex running a hand through his long brown hair as he prepared himself for the inevitable questions he knew he was about to receive.

"Okay guys, I know that this looks bad," replied Cisco turning around to look at the gang. "But he did say that he would come back," he said looking on the bright side.

"How could you possibly know that Cisco?" Iris asked angrily. "For all we know, he could be gone forever," she said blaming Cisco for letting the speedster go.

"Well, he did make a promise," pointed out Cisco. "You know speedster honor," said Cisco quoting Henry. "And I may not be a speedster or anything like that," replied Cisco trying to reason with her, "But I can tell that it seems like a really big deal. One that shouldn't be broken."

"And what if he just said all of those things so we can let him go, huh?" Iris asked skeptically. She didn't trust Henry nor did she like him. The fact that he was Barry and Caitlin's son only pissed her off even more. She always had her suspicions that there was something more between Barry & Caitlin. And the fact that she stood in the presence of their son only moments ago, only proved her point.

"Well, we'll just have to wait and see," piped up Barry making everyone turn their attention to him.

"I'm sorry, WHAT?!" asked Iris narrowing her eyes at him, challenging him to disagree with her. "Do you even hear yourself?!" she asked throwing her hands up frantically in the air as she stared at Barry in disbelief. She couldn't believe this, he sided with Cisco and not HER. "Henry is NOT COMING BACK!" Iris yelled stubbornly. "Okay!" she said emphasizing each word, "He's..not..coming-"

Suddenly a gust of wind blew in the Cortex causing all the papers to fly off the tables. Henry stood in the middle of the Cortex with his hair disheveled and a lop-sided grin on his face. "Sorry I'm late," he replied smiling at the group.

Taking off his mask he looked at the gang with his exotic mix of both his parents' stunning orbs. "I got a little...held up," he replied shrugging his shoulders.

"Where did you go?" asked Barry staring in awe that his son came back.

"The speed force," replied Henry looking at him perplexed. "Didn't I tell you that?" he asked turning his attention to the Team.

"You did," replied Harry answering for the group. "It's just," said Harry looking at the speedster in the eye, "You never explained why?"

Sighing Henry looked down at the floor as he decided to come clean. "Well, you guys know that I work for the speed force, right?" asked Henry looking at the gang who just stood there nodding their heads in response.

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