Part 38: Caitlin's Birthday

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November 19, 2018


8:00 am

Lightning danced across Caitlin's apartment as Henry hung streamers and balloons across the loft. With a big sign that said 'Happy Birthday' streamed across the kitchen Henry smiled at his accomplishment. Walking over to the counter Henry placed a candle on the cupcake he had made this morning in his rush to make everything perfect. It was had an icy blue icing with a large snowflake on top and a stethoscope right in the middle. Bringing out the best of both Caitlin and Frost. Smiling, Henry subconsciously patted his back pocket making sure his gift to his mother was still there. Trudging out of her room with a robe on, Caitlin rubbed her eyes. In a flash Henry was by her side.

"Surprise!" yelled Henry causing Caitlin to stumble back.

"Happy Birthday," smiled Henry popping the confetti.

Giggling Caitlin looked around at the amazing displacement Henry created. "Wow, Henry! Thank you," smiled surprised that he remembered it was her birthday. Ruffling her hair Caitlin got rid of the little pieces of confetti in her hair as Henry went to get the cupcake.

Singing 'Happy Birthday' Henry walked up to his mother who wore a smile on her face. "Make a wish," encouraged Henry as held the lit cupcake up to her face. Looking at it Caitlin couldn't help but admire the detail Henry put into it. Closing her eyes Caitlin made a wish before blowing out the candle. Holding the cupcake Caitlin swiped her finger to taste the frosting before it was ripped from her hand.

"Heyyy," pouted Caitlin looking at her son who placed the cupcake on the counter behind him.

"Later," responded Henry before dragging her to sit on the couch.

"What is it Henry?" asked Caitlin looking at her son curiously who sat across from her.

"I have a gift for you," replied Henry grabbing the box from his back pocket before handing it to her.

"Henry," said Caitlin in awe gratefully taking the gift.

"It's not much, but it's something," said Henry scratching the back of his neck nervously. "I'm not sure if you'll like it. I made it myself. If you don't like it I can always get rid of it," rambled off Henry thinking his mother would not like the gift. Dismissing Henry thoughts Caitlin opened up the box.

Opening the velvet blue box Caitlin was meet with the most beautiful necklace she had ever seen.

Opening the velvet blue box Caitlin was meet with the most beautiful necklace she had ever seen

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It was a snowflake pendant hanging on a silver chain. The snowflake had mini little blue crystals around the edges. It was perfect!

"Wow Henry. This is beautiful. You made it?" asked Caitlin amazed by the craftsmanship.

"Yeah," said Henry running a hand through his hair. "I made it out of a few scraps I found. The crystals are real though. And the clasp is kept together by a Promethium layer. And hopefully when you get your powers back you can test out the new features I installed," replied Henry.

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