Part 11: Son?

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"My name is........Henry Joseph Allen," said Pursuit looking at everyone in the eye. "And I am the son of Barry and Caitlin...Allen," said Henry smiling as he looked at the shocked expression on their face's.😳😏

Everyone looked at Henry lost in thoughts.

"Son," thought Barry and Caitlin smiling a bit at the thought🙂.

"Son?" thought Joe, Cisco, and Ralph, confused yet amazed😃.

"Son?!" thought Iris a bit jealous at the thought of Barry having a son with Caitlin😡.

"Son," thought Harry relieved😌. He couldn't help but smile as he looked at the boy in front of him. Taking a closer look at the boy, Harry could see some distinctive features the boy has that resembles Barry & Caitlin.

Shaking his head back and forth, Barry was the first to snap out of his thoughts. Clearing his throat, Barry took a step towards Henry standing in front of him.

"You're coming with me," said Barry before taking Henry's arm and dragging him out of the pipeline. While passing Nora on the way, Henry smiled at her while she sent him a death glare, making his smile grow even larger. Quickly after, the rest of the Team snapped out of their thoughts as they saw Barry exiting the pipeline, following after him.


Barry dragged Henry into the Cortex placing him on one of the chairs. Caitlin followed behind him shortly after running over to her medical lab. Henry watched as Caitlin scurred over to her medical lab with a faint smile on his face.

Immediately after the rest of Team Flash entered the Cortex gathering around Henry. It was quite at first until Harry spoke up taking a step towards the boy.

"Um...would you like anything to eat or drink?" asked Harry showing some good hospitality.

"Well now that you mention it," began Henry, "I have been craving to have a Killer Frost drink... but if it's too much to ask for then a glass of water will suffice," replied Henry being modest.

"Oh, don't worry," assured Harry smiling at the young man. "It's no problem," he replied back. "One Killer Frost drink from C.C. Jitters coming right up!" said Harry with a smile.

"Ramon!" yelled Harry.

"Hmm?" answered Cisco looking up at him.

"Let's go. You're breaching me to Jitters for coffee," replied Harry.

"Why do I have to take you there? Can't you just walk," whined Cisco😂.

"No," replied Harry back cockily. "Now Let's GO!" he said dragging Cisco along.

"Alright, Alright," said Cisco waving his arm up frantically in the air before slapping away Harry's arm making him glare at him. With that, the two of them jumped into a breach, bickering as they headed off to Jitters.

Henry snickered as he watched the two of them bickering. Just like old times, he thought.

The clicking of heels brought Henry out of his thoughts, making him turn around to see Caitlin who had returned back from her lab with; a needle, some swabs, and four test tubes.

"I'm gonna need a swab sample from you," began Caitlin, "to determine if you are...our son," she said looking at Barry.

"And the blood sample?" inquired Henry looking at the needle.

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