Part 39: Mister Freeze

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Credit to: DC FANDOM WIKI & DC'S TOP 10 MASTERS OF ICE-HOBBYLARK for background on Mister Freeze.

November 20, 2018


10:00 am

Pieces of glass shattered as a flash of yellow and light blue lighting tore through the streets of Central City. Two speedster running head to head raced each other as they made their way through.

"Try to keep up old man," boosted Henry before running ahead of his father.

"Old man," Barry scoffed in disbelief. "I'll show him an old man," said Barry running after his son.

Walking into the Cortex, Caitlin took a seat besides Cisco. Sipping on his coffee, Cisco focused back on the computer screen.

"Alright, let's see what we got for you today boys," Cisco cracks his fingers before typing on the keyboards.

A beeping sound came from the computer pulling Caitlin away from her tablet. "We got an armed robbery at fourth and Collins," replied Caitlin.

"Race you there!" shouted Barry and Henry in sync as they raced towards the scene. Looking at each other Cisco and Caitlin shook their heads at the father and son.



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Arriving at the scene, Henry punched the goon getting out of the tow truck to help his friends

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Arriving at the scene, Henry punched the goon getting out of the tow truck to help his friends. Running past him, Barry punched two goons aiming their gun at the two police officers. In a blink of an eye, Henry was by the side of a goon who was icing the back door of the cash truck. Looking at the speedster the goon froze in place. Eyeing the goon, Henry smirked at his frightened state.

"Wrong pin number," said Henry before knocking the man to the floor. Looking down at the man Henry began to handcuff him as Barry began to handcuff 2 other goons. Standing up on wobbly legs the last goon aimed his gun at one of the speedsters head. The one in a black suit.

After handcuffing the two goons, Barry turned around to see the last goon aiming his gun at his son's head. In a flash, Barry was by his side ripping the gun out of his arm before knocking him out. Hearing the sound of a gun clattering to the floor, Henry turned to see his father handcuffing the last goon who laid motionless on the floor.

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