Part 40: Arrow Cave

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6:30 pm

Once they finished both Henry and Caitlin took a step back admiring their work.

"You look good as new," commented Caitlin, noticing that the patches had healed beautifully.

Looking at his frostbite that had disappeared Barry smiled. "Thanks so much guys," smiled Barry looking at the two doctors.

"We're just doing our job," smiled Caitlin, putting an arm around her son's shoulder who placed an arm around her waist. "Although I do suggest you get some sleep, so that the wounds can fully heal. Doctors orders," added Henry looking at his father pointedly.

"I will," nodded Barry before looking around the room. It was just down to him, Caitlin, Henry, Cisco, and Wells. Iris and Nora had left a couple of minutes ago. Joe was needed at home to take care of Jenna. And Ralph left because he needed his beauty sleep.

"So with that said I'm gonna head home," Cisco yawned out. Grabbing his things Cisco began to make his way out. "Wait for me, Ramon," called out Harry running after him.

Seeing that all the medical equipment was put away Caitlin turned to her son."How about we head home too," suggested Caitlin. Nodding his head the pair began to make his way out.

"Wait!" called out Barry getting their attention. Stopping by the entrance, the pair turned around to look at the speedster. Running towards them Barry stopped in front of his son.

"What is it dad?" questioned Henry.

"You were right. I do need you. More than you know," replied Barry a bit out of breath.

"What are you saying dad?" asked Henry with an eyebrow raised.

"How would you like to join me at CCPD?" said Barry, getting straight to the point.

"Are you serious?" asked Henry with excitement.

"Dead serious," answered Barry with a smile.

"But h-how would you do it?" questioned Henry. The last time he had asked his father to join him at his workplace he had turned him down cause he was his son.

"I might need your help with that part," smirked Barry with a twinkle in his green eyes. Looking at his father Henry tilted his head wondering what he had in mind.



6:35 pm

Sitting at her desk Felicity typed on the keyboards as Oliver did some pull ups on the Salmon Ladder. Suddenly a gust of wind blew into the Arrow Cave as two figures stood in the room.

"Oh my god! This is so cool," geeked out Henry as he looked around the room.

Yelping Felicity spun her chair around facing the intruder as Oliver jumped down from the Salmon Ladder.

"Ohh! Are those specialty arrows?" questioned Henry examining the arrow pieces.

"Pointy," noted Henry, touching the sharp tip of the arrow.

"Explosive arrows, acidic arrow, router arrow," named Henry picking up each piece.

"Barry what the hell?!" questioned Oliver, noticing one of the intruders was the scarlet speedster.

"Oh! Hey guys," waved Barry noticing his friend.

"Hi," waved back Felicity.

"Oh you guys got some grappling hooks and guns too," noted Henry inspecting the sets.

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