Part 37: The Justice League?

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7:00 am

November 18th, 2018

Waking up bright an early Henry stretched as he sat up from the couch. Glancing at the time Henry speed-changed. Looking at his attire Henry smiled proudly of himself. He had to get to Star Labs by 7: 15 am sharp if he wanted to go through with his plan his Uncle Cisco came up with.

Looking at his mother's door Henry noticed that it was cracked open. Walking towards it Henry opened it wider peering in. Seeing his mother's sleeping form Henry smiled. Taking a few careful steps Henry approached her. Bowing down Henry placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Sweet dreams mum," whispered Henry.

Noticing a pad with a pen, Henry scribbled something down telling his mother about his whereabouts in case she got worried. Finishing up the note Henry raced towards Star Labs.



7:15 am

Swerving on his computer chair Cisco began to type frantically on the keyboards. A gust of wind blew into the Cortex as a teenage boy stood before him in a black suit.

"You ready?" asked Cisco, glancing up at Henry.

Chuckling Henry strapped on his mask that belonged to 'Pursuit'. "I was born ready," Henry stood proudly.

Staring at him Cisco blinked wondering if he heard him correctly, "Whatever you say Speedy Jesus," snorted Cisco turning to one of the monitors as a message popped up on the screen.

"Ohhh! Bank Heist! This should be good!" squirmed Cisco in his seat.

"Where is it?" asked Henry looking at the computer screen that began to pinpoint the location.

"2001 Lighting Blvd," replied Cisco as Henry flashed out the room.


Heading down the streets of Central City, Henry broke glass and set off car alarms in his wake. The speed force coursed through his veins as he tore through the city streets. Lighting raced around him as he began to go faster. He felt at peace with the wind flowing through his hair. This is what he was meant to do.

"Henry....Henry!" called Cisco trying to get the speedsters attention.

Henry!" called Cisco trying to get the speedsters attention

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Lost in his thoughts Henry came to an abrupt stop. "What?" tapped Henry onto the side of his comms. "Did I miss it?" wondered Henry underestimating his powers.

"You overshot by about six blocks," replied Cisco sucking on a lollipop between his teeth.

"My bad," sighing Henry began to run back. Guess he really did forget just how fast he was.

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