Part 42: Twins!

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November 23, 2018


10:00 am

Things were going great for Henry. He had a part-time job at CCPD, got to hang out with both his parents, and fight crime. Although, he kind of missed Star Labs. So taking a day off from working with his father Henry walked into the doors of Star Labs. Entering the Cortex Henry noticed his Uncle Cisco tinkering with some parts on a nearby desk.

"Hey Uncle Cisco," greeted Henry notifying the man of his presence.

"Henry," smiled Cisco pulling away his safety goggles away from his face. "How's it going man?" asked Cisco grabbing a screwdriver.

"You know," shrugged Henry. "The same old thing. So what are you doing?" Inquired Henry flipping a metal rod within his hand.

"Trying to get this chip into place," replied Cisco, trying to melt the metal to his desired spot.

"Maybe I could help you," offered Henry. Nodding Cisco stood up from his seat allowing Henry to have a go. Using the magnifying glass Henry tried to put the chip into the place. Fidgeting with the chip, the chip wouldn't go into place. Noticing his struggle Cisco placed a reassuring hand on Henry's shoulder.

"Maybe if you go a little to the right-" suggested Cisco before he got lost in a vibe.

..........Barry & Caitlin held a baby in their arms. One wrapped in a blue blanket and the other in a pink. Caitlin laid on a gurney in the medical wing and Barry sat on a chair near her. They smiled looking lovingly at the bundle of joy in their arms.....

.....Cisco watches as a baby girl and boy crawled on a blanket surrounded by toys. A boy that looked like a younger version of Henry played with them.

"He's a great big brother. Don't you think?" smiled Caitlin beside Cisco with a cup of tea.....

....."Uncle Cisco! Uncle Cisco!" shouted the twins running over towards Cisco. Watching from the sideline, Cisco watched as a version of himself lifted up the twins, carrying them in his arms.

"How are my favorite niece and nephew," cooed Cisco, kissing their cheeks causing them to giggle.

"Good," smiled the twins in sync. Taking a closer look at the twins Cisco noticed they looked a bit like Caitlin but had Barry's eyes.

"Where's your brother Henry?" Inquired Cisco.

"Right here," smiled a younger version of Henry dressed as a Jedi. "We're still on for that Star Wars marathon, right?" he teased with a smirk.

"Of course," smiled Cisco before they made their way into the house.............

"Babies," breathed out Cisco coming out of his vibe. "2 babies. They had 2 babies," he stuttered out. "Twins!" he said in realization.

"What?!" asked Henry, freezing in place.

"Barry and Caitlin had twins!" yelled Cisco. "And you knew," said Cisco pointing at Henry before backing away from the young man.

Dropping Cisco's project Henry stood up from his chair slowly approaching his godfather. "Calm down, Uncle Cisco. You're talking crazy. Did you have your morning coffee today? Or did you put a little something extra in your breakfast," teased Henry walking towards Cisco.

"Ohhh don't play those tricks on me," warned Cisco. "I know what I saw," he stated confidently. "So start talking baby flash, or I will find your mother and start singing to her like a canary on what I just saw," threaten Cisco as Henry stared at him in shock.

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