Part 34: Rise and Shine

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6:00 am

November 16th, 2018

It was a cool crisp autumn morning. Caitlin laid peacefully asleep surrounded by the warmth of her blanket. The sound of wind rushing could be heard in the distance. It was calm, well...for awhile.

A gust of wind blew into Caitlin's room making her shiver and hug the blanket around her tighter to keep warm. "Come on mom wake up. We have to go soon," said Henry shaking his mother awake.

Groaning Caitlin turned to the other side of the bed. "5 more minutes Henry," complained Caitlin trying to get more sleep.

Sighing Henry sat down on the side of her bed. "I made your favorite," whispered Henry leaning over her.

"Cinnamon rolls," inquired Caitlin peeking out her blanket, like a child.

"Yup," smiled Henry cheekily knowing that got her.

"I'm up," exclaimed Caitlin standing up before wrapping the blanket around her. Rubbing her eyes Caitlin stretched before looking at Henry. "What time is it?" yawned Caitlin.

"6:02," replied Henry glancing at the clock on her nightstand. Groaning in annoyance Caitlin marched towards her bathroom, locking the door.

"Morning to you to mom," laughed Henry making his way out of her room as Caitlin cursed Henry for waking her up so early in the morning.


6:45 am

After showering and changing, Caitlin made her way towards the kitchen. Taking a seat, Henry set his mother a cup of coffee down in front of her. "Thank you," said Caitlin gratefully taking a sip of the caffeinated drink, before sighing in relief. Setting her a plate with a cinnamon roll Henry began to eat his own breakfast.

"So what time did you get up this morning?" questioned Caitlin, raising an eyebrow over her mug.

"Around 4 am," blushed Henry, making Caitlin scrunch her eyebrow in confusion.

"Why so early? Did you have another nightmare?" asked Caitlin worriedly.

"No, it was not that," said Henry assuring her that he was fine. "I was just excited," admitted Henry bouncing in his seat.

"What's got you so excited today?" inquired Caitlin taking a bite out of her breakfast.

"I'm gonna be training with dad today," replied Henry taking a sip of his hot chocolate.

"Oh, right!" said Caitlin in realization. "We'll better hurry up if we want to get there on time," said Caitlin glancing at the clock on the wall.



6:55 am

Trudging into the Speed Lab grudgingly Cisco and Ralph sipped on some coffee to keep awake. They didn't want to be here this early, but made an acceptance for Henry. Standing by the computer screens, Joe, Harry, Iris, Barry, and Nora talked among each other.

"It's too early for this shit," groaned Cisco drowning his tiredness in his coffee as he took a sip.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew into the Speed Lab causing everyone's hair to fly back as Henry and Caitlin stood in front of them.

"Rise and Shine bitches," exclaimed Henry in a happy tone as he made his way towards the gang, causing Cisco and Ralph to groan in annoyance.

"Who the hell is happy this early in the morning," grumbled Ralph. "I had to miss out on my beauty sleep," pouted Ralph.

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