Part 23: Paintball [Part 1]

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November 11th, 2018


7:30 am

Henry laid on the couch wide awake

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Henry laid on the couch wide awake. He didn't get any sleep last night, he was scared he would hurt his mother again. Hearing his mother's door creak open, Henry turned around in the direction of it to see Caitlin in a robe and slippers.

"Hey. You're awake," replied Caitlin looking at her son.

"Yeah, I am," replied Henry yawning as he sat up from the couch.

"Well get ready, we don't want to be late," said Caitlin pushing Henry into the bathroom as she went to make breakfast.

"Alright, I'm going," said Henry closing the door behind him.


8:00 am

After finishing breakfast, Caitlin sat down on the couch reading a book while she waited for Henry to finish in the washroom. Lost in her book, Caitlin didn't hear the door to the bathroom open.

Walking through the apartment in only sweats, Henry made his way towards the kitchen. Grabbing a plate, he began to stock up on the delicious food his mother had made. Looking through the different cupboards and drawers, Henry went in search for some jam for his toast.

Finding an unopened jar of strawberry jam in the back of the cupboard, Henry began to make his way towards his mother to ask if he could open it. While walking past the counter Henry's phone started to vibrate. Grabbing his phone Henry made his way towards his mother. Looking down at his phone Henry noticed that he had gotten 2 text messages.

Hey, Henry. Hope you're ready to lose young padawan😛—Cisco.

Reading the comment, Henry snorted at his uncle's antics. Looking up a Star Wars meme, Henry sent the one below:

Opening up his father text message next, Henry noted that Barry would be arriving at 9 am

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Opening up his father text message next, Henry noted that Barry would be arriving at 9 am.

Standing in front of his mother with his back to the TV, Henry looked down at his phone.

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