*Making things right*

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Reaching Star Labs, the team exited the van. Walking past his father, Henry begins to make his way towards the doors of the building but is held back by the arm. Looking up at the person, Henry's gaze meets with two sea green eyes.

"Henry-" Barry starts wanting to talk to his son.

"Save it," Henry interrupts holding a hand up. "Just because you saved my life does not mean we're even," he states coldly. "So just leave me alone," said Henry brushing past his father.

Sighing Barry looks down at the floor. Walking towards him Cisco unlocked the metahuman cuff off of Barry's arm.

"Thanks," Barry says gratefully.

"No problem," Cisco response looking at his friend. "You know you really screwed up man," Cisco comments watching as Henry's figure disappears between the doors of Star Labs.

"I know," Barry sighs looking down. Patting his friend on the shoulder Cisco made his way towards the doors of Star Labs. Taking one last look at the building Barry flashed away. He was going to fix this. He just had to take care of something first.


Sometime later.....

"And that's what happened," said Henry retelling the story to Harry as he patched patched him up (Harry became a doctor after Barry got a divorce. He thought that it would be helpful for Caitlin since she was the only doctor in the lab. He was also the one that delivered Henry and the twins).

"Wow," exclaims Harry setting down the gauze. "So Barry's back in town," Harry confirms as Ralph and Cisco nod their heads in response.

"Yup," breathed Henry laying back down on the gurney. Glancing at the time Henry notes that it is 2:30 pm.

"Shit," Henry shouts sitting up abruptly. "I have to get Captain Singh the facial identity for that robbery by the end of today," says Henry flashing out of his suit.

"I'll see you guys later," Henry calls out before flashing to CCPD.



2:35 pm

Arriving at CCPD, Henry squeezes through the many different police officers as he makes his way towards Captain Singh's office with a coffee in hand.

"Hey Captain Singh," Henry greets walking into his office. Setting his files down Captain Singh looks up at Henry. "I'm so sorry I left without saying anything. I just had some matters to take care of with the twins-"

"Henry," interrupts Captain Singh.

"They needed me at the school," Henry continues lying through his teeth. "Something about a knee injury".

"Henry," Singh calls louder trying to grab his attention.

"But I'm back now and I brought you an apologetic coffee," Henry tells him setting the coffee down. "And don't worry," he says looking at Singh with a smile on his face.

"I will have the facial ID on our perp by the end of today. As well as the lab report on that bullet shell we found, and the fingerprint analysis on the glass door, and-" Henry lists backing out of the office.

"Here is the facial ID you wanted on that robbery Captain Singh," a familiar voice says. "As well as the analysis on that bullet shells, fingerprints, and substance we found at the scene," the person continues, walking into the room as Henry tenses up. Turning around slowly Henry meets the familiar face of his father.

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