Part 33: Into the Speedforce

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9:45 am

Peering through the glass doors, Team Flash looked at Nora in her cell. A deafening silence fell upon them as they stared each other down.

"What?" asked Nora annoyed.

"Why did you do it?" asked Barry.

"I was just trying to be like you," replied Nora innocently.

Scrunching his eyebrows Barry looked at Nora like she was crazy. "What do you think it means to be like me?" asked Barry waiting for her answer.

"I was only trying to help," explained Nora. "I thought that maybe Henry could use some help with his mission. So I decided to help him out," smiled Nora hoping that they would believe that she did it out of the kindness of her heart.

"And erasing him from existence is helping," said Harry sarcastically.

"I didn't intend for that to happen," lied Nora.

"Sure you didn't,"  said Harry glaring at Nora who stared back at him to shut up. He didn't like her one bit.

"Relax guys," said Iris noticing the tension in the room. "Nora was only trying to help," said Iris, taking her daughter's side who smiled back in triumph.

"Well if she wanted to intervene she should have notified Henry," argued Caitlin glaring at Nora.

"Well maybe she wanted to prove herself, unlike Henry," said Iris looking at Caitlin. She was tired of everyone thinking Henry was better than Nora.

Opening her mouth Caitlin was about to give Iris a peace of her mind when Barry interrupted them. "Guys stop," said Barry raising his arms up in the air. "Fighting won't solve this," said Barry looking between the two.

"Let's just go and wait for Henry to return back in the Cortex," said Barry walking out of the pipeline. Watching him leave, the rest of the team began to dispense until it was only Caitlin. Taking a step forward Caitlin stood in front of Nora's cell.

"If you think killing me is going to get rid of me so easily, think again," growled Caitlin before closing the pipeline doors and making her way out.


In a flash of yellow and light-blue lighting, Henry jumped out of a breach slamming his fist onto the ground. Standing up Henry strode over to the circular chair in the middle of the room.

"We need to talk," said Henry, making his presence known.

"What about?" asked the speed force hanging upside down from the chair in the form of Cisco Ramon.

"Nora," stated Henry standing in front of it.

Groaning the speed force sat up. "What did she do this time?" asked the speed force.

Tapping on his futuristic tech bracelet Henry pulled up the new article he had discovered on Caitlin's death.

"Yikes," winced the speed force Cisco. "You can't really put anything past that girl," said Cisco shaking his head.

"Yeah. Well she deliberately messed with the timeline I tried to fix," grumbled Henry looking at the floor shaking his head. How could I be so careless, thought Henry running a hand through his hair as he took a seat on a chair that materialized out of thin air.

"And I'm guessing you came all the way here to ask if you can have more time," said the speed force as realization dawned on it. Nodding his head, Henry confirmed the speed force's suspicion.

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