Part 16: Speed Lab

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*FLASHBACK-November 19,2040*

"Nooooooooooooooooo!" screamed Henry as he watched Nora shoving a knife through his mother's back.....

...... "I told you," said Nora looking at Henry in the eye. "I'd make you suffer, just like I have," she said before disappearing in a flash of light.......

......"Noo...Mom!" cried Henry gripping onto his mother like it was his lifeline......

"Please mom," pleaded Henry caressing his mother's face. "Please wake up.......I-I need you," cried Henry holding onto his mother tighter........................................



November 7th, 2018

Waking up from a cold sweat Henry looked around taking in his surroundings. Breathing heavily, Henry noticed he was in the safe confinements of his mother's home.

Taking in shallow breaths Henry tried to calm his racing heartbeat. Glancing up at the clock above the wall, Henry noticed that it was 5 am in the morning. Running a hand across his face, Henry sat up on the sofa bed throwing his legs onto the floor.

It was just a dream, he told himself, just a dream.

Or more like a nightmare. Ever since Caitlin had fallen into a coma, Henry had been blaming himself for what had happened to her, suffering silently from PTSD, depression, and anxiety.

Deciding that he couldn't sleep anymore, Henry got up from the sofa bed. Maybe a little run will help clear my mind, he thought before disappearing in a flash of yellow and blue lighting.


Returning back to Caitlin's apartment a couple of minutes later, Henry glanced up at the time to see it was 6 am. Knowing that his mother will be waking up soon, Henry decided to surprise her with breakfast.


Caitlin was woken up by the sound of her alarm clock. Turning to the side, she went to shut it off, seeing that it was 7:30 am Caitlin stretched in her bed and noticed the amazing aroma of pancakes and bacon lingering in the air. Standing up on high alert, she grabbed her robe by her chair before following the scent of food.


Walking into the kitchen, Caitlin was greeted by the sight of her son singing and dancing to Old Time Rock n Roll by Bob Seger. Watching as Henry began to flash around the room preparing the meal and dancing like no one was watching, Caitlin couldn't help but giggle at how carefree her son looked.

 Watching as Henry began to flash around the room preparing the meal and dancing like no one was watching, Caitlin couldn't help but giggle at how carefree her son looked

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