Claudette x Tapp

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Claudette had her head on Detective Tapp's lap, tired and satisfied about the fact that they've became successful a lot. There was some points were everyone would be separated from it being two players playing or even most times, only one.

Tapp was in a previous game and the killer was on his tail. He wouldn't have been upset about it until you realized, he was a part of a two man pair. The other two that was supposed to join us seemed to be pulled off by the Entity itself. He was almost at the door but ended up getting downed by the Nurse. His partner at that time, Bill, had hesitated and even tried to help him. "Leave!" Was all Tapp whispered to Bill, who reluctantly left as it was a win in their books.

"You think we'd ever escape?" Claudette asked, yawning as she got comfortable. "Maybe? Will we still stay in contact?" Claudette asked him, his hands playing with her hair. "Of course!" He looked up to everyone, even Hope. "Why don't we all write down our contacts? Is there anymore paper in that journal you found?" Tapp asked.

The flipping of pages was heard as Hope stopped at the back of it. "Yeah! Enough for everyone to have a copy." Hope smiled as she carefully took out a piece of paper for everyone. They had passed a pencil around to write down their address and after they were done, they switched papers. When they all got a paper filled with contact information, Tapp noticed the crude heart Claudette drew by his name.

Tapp chuckled and wrapped his arms around the girl's small waist. His head laying on her shoulder as he nibbled on her ear, making her giggle. "Get a room." Nea rolled her eyes, shielding Meg's eyes, who made a puppy-like frown. "I'm not ten anymore!" She huffed, her cheeks getting red. Nea laughed and wrapped her arms around the girl with pigtails.

Claudette felt herself being pulled away from the laughter as Tapp held her in his arms. He hummed a soft tone as he gently swayed with her, his head nearly inches from hers. She looked up at him as they shared a tender kiss. Her dark brown orbs looked into his as they put their hand on each others, their fingers slowly intertwined with each others.

"Why are you so cute?" Tapp asked her, his thumb resting gently on her chin. The heat rushed to Claudette's face, making him chuckle. His hands slowly wrapped around her waist and brought her close to him. The warmth from him made Claudette melt into his body, her head slowly laying on his chest. His heart beat slowly as it hypnotized her to slowly lose consciousness.

Tapp smiled as he swept her off her feet and carried her bridal style to the campfire. The heat soothed everyone, who talked and laughed. Such sweet and calming noises that used to be so rare. Claudette smiled as she cuddled into Tapp's arms.

"Hope?" David looked at the tired, jumpy girl. "O-Oh! Hey! What's up?" Hope looked up from the beat up book she had found somewhere. A few yawns escaped from her lips as she marked her page. "What do you got there?" David sit down besides Hope, who rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. "Well, a journal from someone named Benedict Baker?" Hope looked over at David, who was a bit confused. "I didn't know him but I've heard Bill, Nea, and even Dwight has talked about him.

"Did I hear my name?" Dwight blushed, peering around the corner. "Ah, yes! Have you heard of Benedict Baker?" Hope asked, smiling. His face turned white like a sheet, making David spring up and catch the nervous survivor. "Dwight? Babe?! Are you okay?" David asked, concerned and worried. "I-I haven't heard about him for a long time." Dwight muttered.

"What's so special about it?" Hope asked, biting on the end of her pencil. "Benedict was a secret survivor. He would be randomly thrown into the most gruesome matches when the killer was the first to come here. One match, I heard a quiet whimper from a corner of a map to see him! He begged me not to tell anyone he was there and he was carrying a journal with a pencil. He was studying this place and was even trying to escape but, he started to stop believing. They say he's turned into a killer." Dwight explain, looking a bit nervous, "Why?"

Hope stood up with a grin. "I think I may know how to get us out of here."

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