Nea x Jake

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Story dedicated to DaylightSTORIES
-No, it doesn't mean I'm taking requests again but it does mean there may be new stories coming in soon, only if this fan fiction does well. I hope you enjoy this story!


Nea shoved her hands into her pockets as the winds seemed to be on a mission to blow her hood off her head. She tried looking down and it only made it worse, exposing her ears to the harsh winter winds that sent icy chills that went off like fireworks in her body.

"I just nee-" Nea felt the hair on her arms stand up. She abruptly stopped in place, seeing the feet of a person in front of her.

She had this strong intuition when someone was in front of her. She slowly looked up to see;

"Jake?" Nea breathed in confusion. Ever since the Entity's realm collapsed, the survivors and killers slowly drifted from each other, living their new lives and some even refused to talk to one another claiming 'it brought bad memories' and needed to moved on.

Nea noticed he was wearing a uniform that had a dark navy blue short sleeved t-shirt that clung to his skin, showing off his arms. Whenever he moved his arm, the muscles flexed and rippled under his skin. He also was wearing a bright red apron and black slacks with polished black shoes that showed her reflection of disbelief.

She looked up at him to see him share the same look she was having. Nea couldn't help but smile at how his hair was up. It was in a nice bun with a piece of curly hair being a special snowflake and coming out of the bun, in short he looked really cute.

"Nea?? What are you doing here??" He asked, the corner of his mouth curling into a smile. He walked over to her and gave her a hug, wrapping his arms around her back and held her tight. She wrapped her arms around his neck, on her toes to be able to reach.

Once Jake let go he smiled and pointed to a small little café with a sign that read 'Jake's Caffeine Craze' making Nea's mouth drop. "Is that-.."

"Yeah, its my tea and coffee café, would you like to come in?" Jake asked, opening the door. Nea nodded and quickly walked in, the coziness instantly made her shoulders relax as there were custom teas and coffee bags that lined up at the counter, the sweet incense of lavender and lemon made it relaxing to breath in. Chairs with cushions surrounding white tables, with a bar like area with a big tv hung up to the wall playing the live footage of a game. There wasn't a hint of fluorescent lights and instead a lot of lamps that was placed around the shop, giving a nice glow of orange, Christmas lights hanging on the ceiling.

"Woah.. You got really busy, huh?" Nea said, not really asking as she stun around, looking at everything.

Jake had gotten behind the counter and poured some water into a machine Nea wasn't familiar with and clicked a button. "After the Entity's realm collapsed, I realized that my dad was slightly right. I couldn't be the next in line for the CEO of his company but I can own a small café and make it what I want it to be."

Jake explained as Nea sat down on one of the bar tables, watching him prepare the tea. He slid a cup across to her, the smell of Earl Grey filled her nose and she brought the cup to her lips, the small spoon he used to stir in sugar pressed against her lips gently. She took a careful sip before putting it back down.

"Well, I'm glad you found your place, I've been struggling to find mine." She muttered and Jake smiled. "Well, I do need some helping hands and on the back you can give some personality, if you catch my drift." Jake wink, resting his head on his hand.

"Being in the Entity's realm has really changed you." Nea told him quietly, her eyes slowly fell to the cup. She grabbed the spoon swirled the liquid around. She felt empty and couldn't find her purpose. Even though she was down right miserable and went through each trial with the possibility of her soul being drained each time. She could've become a husk but she rather do that than live a normal life. How can you possibly have a normal life when she went through decades of hell.

Nea was pulled out of her thoughts when Jake held her hand with a gentle smile. "You have to let it go. Stop letting your past control you and start living for you." Jake told her. Nea pulled her hand away and let out a breath, looking away to hide her blush. "You've gotten soft.." She mumbled.

"But being soft has gotten me to be a poplar barista but I'm still intimidating that no one will mess with me. Just because you lived being tough and cold to survive all your life doesn't mean you can't change. I mean, I've been there longer than you have, you know." Jake explained and Nea sighed.

"I liked the mysterious, 'I'll save myself over everyone else' Jake." Nea mumbled. "But I didn't just save myself.. I did save you a lot Nea. And I'm not going to stop just because we're out of that realm." Jake had walked out from his station and over to her, grabbing her hands and looking into her eyes.

"I know you can be something great if you just tried, let me help you. Let me help you from running." Jake pulled her into a hug and for a second, just for a second she hugged back before pushing him away.

"You can't force me to change, idiot. I'm the way I am for a reason." She told him, crossing her arms. Jake sighed before he looked at her. "Then I guess me liking you won't change your outlook on life then?" Jake asked with a sly smile, tilting his head.

Nea looked up at him, her ears burning red and she just stood there before she let out a slow breath. "Nevermind, you're still the Jakey I know." Jake ruffled her hair and shook his head. "You know I don't like that nickname Nea."

"I know, Jakey." She chuckled as she wrapped her arm around his waist as he laid his head on top of hers, placing a small kiss on top of her head.

"Thank you." Nea whispered, turning her head to listen to his heart beat. Jake smiled and closed his eyes, breathing in her scent.

"No, thank you for giving me the one thing I've been needing."

Nea looked confused, looking up slightly. "What does that mean?" Jake chuckled, looking down at her. "You gave me someone to care about."

Nea opened her mouth but her heart was pounding so hard that she just looked away, smiling.


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