Jerrys X Human reader

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You looked around the abandoned amusement park trying to find a good place to hide. You were pretty sure that the group of lunatics that had set upon you had lost you at the entrance but you couldn't be sure and you weren't taking any chances. You cursed your bad luck, you had already had a shitty day at work and all you wanted to do was go home but you had run into a group hooligans and never reached your front door. Instead they had chased you in the opposite direction of your home and into the amusement park a few acers from your house.

You walked around the creepy park being carful to avoid the disused rides. Some of the rides looked like they were still in working order but others were clearly falling apart. After wandering around for a few minutes it became clear that the group hadn't followed you but you were still too shaken to make your way back to the entrance just yet.

Every now and than you'd think you saw movement out the corner of your eye but each time you turned your head to look, there was nothing there. You brushed it off as paranoia caused by that gang chasing you and the fact that you were now alone in the same amusement park that had given you the creeps ever since you'd move to Detroit.

You approached one of the small buildings in the area hoping to find some shelter. You Peered through one of the boarded up windows, it was too dark inside to see anything but you decide it looked stable enough for you to enter. It took you several minutes to figure out how to get in as you weren't able to pull the boards off the doors. You finally found a window with boards that had rotten enough for you to tear off, than you realised that the window didn't open. You had spent another minute looking for something you could use to smash the window. Once you finally found something suitable it took you three attempts to shatter the glass, the first two times having failed measurably. You tried your best to be careful as you climbed through the broken window but you still managed to accidentally snag yourself on the glass causing you to hiss from the pain. You leaned into the light that was filtering through the windows to assess the damage. You had a thin cut on your left arm that reached from your shoulder to your elbow, it wasn't very deep but it stung like hell.

Trying to ignore the stinging sensation you walked over to the fire place. There was fresh wood in it already so all you needed to do was find some way of lighting it. You began to search around for a lighter and eventually found a box of matches on the floor. Some of the matches had fallen out so you scooped them up and shoved them back into the box for safe keeping.  You lit the fire and watched as the flames slowly grew until they were crackling and hungrily lapping at the wood. You gazed into the fire for a long time, getting lost in the sight of the dancing flames.

The sound of a window smashing jolted you out of your trance and you were on your feet in an instant. Looking around you discovered that the entire place was surrounded by moving silhouettes, there was so many of them that you couldn't count. You watched in horror as every window simultaneously shattered and multiply figures climbed though. A burst of adrenalin sent you scrambling back towards the fire place to retrieve the fire poker. You were hopelessly out numbered but if you were going to go down than you were going down fighting.

You turned back to your many adversaries brandishing the hot fire poker like a sword. Trying to steady your shaking arms you aimed your weapon at them in warning. "I don't care how many of you there are, I swear the first one who touches me looses his eyes!" Your threat came out strong just as you'd intended but it didn't have the desired effect as several of the figures stepped towards you. The cooling fire poker slipped from your trembling hands and fell to the floor with a loud clank as you shrank back towards the wall. You suddenly noticed a blue light glowing on one of their temples and recognised it as an LED android identifier. Than your eyes scanned the other encroaching figures to see LEDs on the temple of everyone of them, they were all androids.

You pressed yourself into the wall behind you as panic replaced the adrenaline. Androids were stronger than you and didn't feel pain, they could quite literally tear you apart. And they were going to tear you apart you were sure of it but why? "W-what do you want from me!" Your voice came out like a panicked shriek and the androids instantly stopped at the sound of terror in your voice.

There was a moment of stillness until one of the Androids stepped forward from the group. is hands were raised in a disarming gesture. "Don't be afraid, we're not going to hurt you." He waved his hand towards the Androids behind him. "Our name is Jerry, we used to work here before the they closed the park." Your eyes scanned across the many Jerrys, some of them waved at you as you made eye contact while others smiled reassuringly. A different Jerry stepped up beside the one who had introduced them. His uniform was a burgundy colour and you noticed that he was missing and arm. " We saw you running through the park, sometimes Humans come here to hurt us but they never come alone. Are you lost?" You shook your head. "No I'm not lost, I was just looking for a place to hide." The first android spoke again. "Hide? From who?" The android seemed genuinely concerned. "I was attacked by a group of crazies, they chased me in here." You saw their LEDs turn yellow as they processed this new information. "You can stay with us if you like, your be safe her we could...protect you." "Oh well that's very kind of you but I really should be go-" You were interrupted by the sensation of someone lightly gripping your right arm and turned your head to see another Jerry. This one was wearing a blue uniform like the first but he didn't have a hat and his face was slightly damaged.  He was looking down at your arm and you followed his gaze to see he was looking at your injury.

His eyes flickered up to meet yours and you were surprised by the worry reflected in them. "You are hurt, did the other Humans do this to you?" "No I cut myself on the glass as I was climbing through the window." The first Jerry suddenly spun around and addressed the others. "Our guest needs first aid, fetch the first aid kit!" Before you could even acknowledged what was happening you were being surrounded by the Jerrys. They bustled around you, some helping you to a seat as others began to clean your injured arm. None of them spoke but you got the feeling that there was a conversation going on between them that you couldn't hear. Once your arm was bandaged the Jerrys stood back to give you some space. "There, all better." One of the Jerrys said in a childish manner. You inspected their handiwork and found that they had done a really good job. You realised that first aid was probably in their programming due to being the only workers in amusement park full of kids.

You looked up to see them looking back at you excitedly. "Thank you for doing that." You held out your hand to one of them "I'm (Y/N) pleased to meet you." You spent the next three minutes shaking their hands as they took turns to greet you personally. After talking to each of them you realised that although their overall demeanour was the same they did have different personalities. You hadn't intended to stay there but as it got late and you found yourself stifling a yawn the Jerrys quickly rushed to create a makeshift bed  for you. It wasn't the most comfortable of places to sleep but as you curled up by the fire and watched the Jerrys situate themselves in different parts of the room for the night, you could honestly say that you had never felt more welcome or protected in your life.

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