Rupert X reader - fall of Jericho

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Jericho had gotten a lot busier since you'd arrived, it seemed as though Deviants had come from all over to join Markus's cause. You had managed to make quite a few knew friends too. It seemed as though the androids were more accepting than your own kind which was both very sad and inspirational. 

You watched from your seat as Rupert stood inside one of the make shift rooms watching over an injured android. Despite not being a medical android, he was very caring and attentive. He had offered support to each and every android that he'd been brought in with injuries and even comforted some as they shut down. You had been talking to one of the regular androids when that particular android was brought in. He was the make as Rupert which may have explained why he was so concerned for him, he hadn't lift his side once and you had opted to give him some space. one of the pigeons he cared for had somehow tracked him down so he wasn't alone and you never wandered too far from anyway. You wondered what Markus's next move would be, you had hard rumours of war but you kinda thought that was Noth's wishful thinking. She could be so bloodthirsty sometimes but you were glad that Markus seemed reluctant to follow her advice. Wars never brought peace, only bloodshed and pain.

You were pulled from your thoughts by a strange sound. It almost sounded like thunder but you didn't have much time to think about it as the entire ship suddenly erupted into panic. All of a sudden androids were rushing to get out, grabbing any supplies they could get their hands on as they made for the exits.You could tell something was wrong but not being an android you were unable to pick up on the telepathic communication so you were left out of the loop. Not knowing what else to do you rushed over to Rupert as you dodged the fleeing Deviants. Rupert was already frantically looking around for you as you approach and instantly pulled you into him the moment he saw you. "W-what's going on?!" You asked as you glanced around at the chaos. "We're under attack. Markus has ordered everyone to evacuate the ship." He was about to lead you away but stopped when he seemed to remember the injured android. You knew what he was thinking even before he said anything. "We can't leave him." You looked over at the android laying on the makeshift bed. You knew he wasn't going to make but still Rupert was right, you couldn't just leave him hear. "Ok, let's get him up." You commanded as you limped over to the bed. Your own injures hadn't healed yet so this wasn't going to be easy. 

You and Rupert pulled the other android to his feet. He didn't complain as you had expected, simply proped himself up as best as he could. You were worried at first but than reminded yourself that androids didn't feel pain so of course there wouldn't be any pained noises. The three of you made your way to the nearest opening and into the maze of corridors. A chill ran down your spine as you heard gunfire somewhere off in the distance. You could hear rushed footsteps above you as others desperately tried to make it to an exit. You ignored the pain in your leg as you helped Rupert guide the android through the countless corridors. You had a bad feeling that your time was running out as you turned into the next corridor and helped the android up a flight of stairs. Once you made it to the end of the corridor you peaked around the corner and your blood froze at what you saw. There were armed soldiers making their way towards you, guns trained to shoot at anything that moves. You couldn't get through, if they spotted you all of you would be dead in seconds. Hurriedly you turned around and backtrack down the hall, ducking into a knew corridor. It felt like you were making painfully slow progress and you were sure that any minute the soldiers would round the corner and open fire any second. Momentary relief washed over you as you made it around the corner, marking more distance between you and them. 

You glanced over at Rupert, he looked just as afraid as you felt. You checked on the injured android. He was still alive but there was clearly something wrong with his processors as he didn't seem quite with it. You looked up and down the hallway, anxiously searching for the armed men. You suddenly realised that you weren't sure where you were meant to be going, you knew nothing about the layout of ships. "Rupert, which way do we go?" "That way." Rupert responded immediately as he lead you to the left. "There's a door on the side that leads straight off the ship." He informed you as you moved as quickly as you could down the abandoned hall. You could now hear shouting and gunfire from all over the place and panic consumed you as you heard gun fire from behind you. A scream rung out somewhere underneath you as an android begged to be spared only to be shot mercilessly. A glint of light caught your eye as you reached the end of the hall. There it was, the emergency exit. It looked as though others had already used it to get out as the door was left wide open. You pressed on towards as all three of you picked up the pace, storming towards your salvation. You paused at the door as you looked down into the murky black water. "Can you swim?" You asked the broken android. He didn't speak but gave a small nod confirming that he could. Your eyes met with Rupert's as you silently asked him if he was ready to jump. "(Y/N), the water is going to be cold. Will you be ok?" He asked worriedly. "I'll have to be." You said brushing off his concern. To be honest you weren't sure if you'd go into shock from the freezing water or not but you couldn't afford to worry about that right now and there was no sense in worrying Rupert with the prospect either. 

You pushed yourself forward and leaped just as you heard a shout from down the hall to stop. You heard a gunshot as a sharp pain exploded in your chest. You would have collapsed had you not already been falling towards the ocean. You lost your grip on the broken android as the ship exploded behind you and you were sent careening away from Rupert as you smashed into the frozen water. For a second there was nothing but darkness and water all around you as disorientation caused you to question witch way was up. The pain in your chest seemed to drown out all other thoughts as you strugglers to the surface. As you broke through the world seemed to have changed around you. Rupert was gone. You spun around in the water desperately trying to locate him and the other android but you were alone. "Rupert! Rupert!" You shouted at the top of your lungs, swallowing a good deal of water in the process. Scared for his life, you searched the water around you furiously for him. Tears pricked your eyes as you realised you would have to head to the shore without him. Your temperature was dropped and you were already struggling to tread water. The wound in your chest area was causing immense pain and you were sure that you were only conscious because of the adrenaline running through your vains. A glance at the water around you showed a growing red cloud as your blood tainted the water. 

You swam towards the nearest ladder out of the harbour. Maybe Rupert was already up there waiting for you. You struggled to haul yourself up the ladder as the wound in your chest turned out to be a wound in your shoulder, which meant using your right arm was nearly impossible due to the pain. By the time you pulled yourself up onto the concrete floor your eyes were beginning to loose focus as your mind became foggy from the blood loss. You looked around as best as you could in your hazed state, searching for any sign of Rupert or the broken android. Tears slide down your already damp cheeks as you saw absolutely no one around you. You thought to stay awake until the last possible moment when your eyes went dark as you began to black out. "Rupert...Rupert..Rupert..." You continued to desperately whisper his name as your mind drifted away from you. Your heart was breaking at the realisation that you may have just lost him forever.

(This was painful to write but had to be done. 😢 Spoiler! I'm not done with this one yet, still got one more instalment but I thought I'd be mean an leave you with a devistating cliffhanger. Que evil laughter.)

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