Ralph x Human reader

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Warnings: minor violence

You walked briskly down the empty streets keeping a keen eye out for danger. The emptiness of the streets didn't bother you, no people means no trouble and all the time you were alone you were safe. You had no real idea of where you were going but anywhere had to be better than where you had come from. Even if it wasn't, you had no intention of going back.  (I kept it vague so you can add your own backstory.) 

It was a dry night but there was a definite chill in the air that caused you to shiver each time the wind picked up. Trying to keep your tired mind focused, you looked around only to have a glowing motel sign catch your gaze. A smile graced your lips as you picked up your pace and rushed towards the building. The promise of a warm, comfortable bed for the night gave you a fresh burst of energy. However,  the smile fell from your face as you reached the door and read the sign said $40 dollars for a room. You only had $34 dollars with you and no other means of payment. Taking a deep breath you pushed the door open anyway, if you explain your situation maybe they would let you have the room for a lower price.

The moment you entered the man behind the counter stood to greet you. Your stomach dropped to the floor and you weren't sure weather it was because of the embarrassment of what you were about to do or the fear that he would likely turn you away. You slowly made your way to the front desk, feeling like time had come to a sudden stand still. "Um....I....I'd like to rent a room." You internally cursed yourself for your voice sounding so weak. The man nodded. "Ok, well that'll be $40 upfront." Hesitantly you placed all of your money on the counter and pushed it towards him. You watched as he counted the cash before raising his eyes to you. "You're $6 dollars short." He tapped the desk in front of you indicating for you to produce the rest of the money. You stared at the man for a few seconds trying to figure out the best way to explain yourself. "That's all I have..." You felt your cheeks flush from embarrassment and tried to stop yourself from glancing at your feet. The man eyed you critically. "You do realise that the room is $40 dollars?" He gestured to the entrance. "There's a sign on the door, can't miss it."

You nodded slightly in acknowledgment. "I know but that's all the money I have and I really need a place to stay." You shifted awkwardly as you looked at the man pleadingly. "Can't you just....let it slide, you know...just this once? I really don't have anywhere else to go." The man gave you a sympathetic look and for a moment you thought he was going to say yes but than he slowly shook his head. "Sorry kid, I'd like to help ya but this goes down on the books. I can't take anything less than full payment." He slid your money back towards you. "I'm going to have to ask you to leave." You felt utterly humiliated as you scooped your money off the counter and turned to leave. You could feel his eyes on you as you made your way to the exit as quickly as possible. As the door closed behind you, you heard the man call out an apology and winced at the pity in his voice. You wished he had kept quiet, his apology only rubbed salt into the wound. His apology didn't give you a bed for the night.

Feeling hopeless, you looked around the street for somewhere else to go. There was a launderette across the street but two dodgy looking guys were  in there and you didn't want to draw unwanted attention from them. The last thing you wanted was to get mugged before the night was through. Not taking any chances you made your way towards the only open shop around. Approaching the shop you took note of the abandoned house opposite it. At a pinch you guess you could stay there even though the thought was less than appealing.

The moment you were inside the shop you made a bee line for the food section. You were so hungry that you had to hold yourself back from spending all of your money on food.  you picked up some wraps, a few cans of different foods, fruit and soup. You walked back towards the front of the shop but stopped as you passed the tool area. You picked up the wire cutters and inspected them, you'd probably need them if you had to get into that house but you didn't want to waste your money. You took a few minutes debating with yourself weather to by them before finally chucking them in the basket. The cashier rang up your items and you paid before heading towards the automatic doors but stopped just short of leaving. The cashier eyed you suspiciously. "Are you ok?" You turned back to the cashier, you knew what you were about to ask was stupid but you were desperate. The abandoned house looked pretty ominous and you couldn't be sure that there wasn't a gang of wild drugged up lunatics squatting there. "Is this store open all night?" You tried to make your question sound innocent but the cashier had seen all the food you'd brought and quickly put two and two together. His eyes widened as he waved his hands out in front of him. "Oh no, no you can't stay here. My boss will kill me if I start letting random no bodies squat in the store." You gave him a dirty look, you'd expected him to say no but you didn't appreciate being called a no body , you may not have anywhere to sleep but that didn't make you any less worthy of respect than the next guy. At least you'd had the balls the swallow your pride and ask for help. "Why don't you try the motel up the street?" The cashier suggested this in as though the thought hadn't occurred to you. "I already did." You snapped at him before stomping out of the store. 

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