Ralph X reader-protector

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(Warnings: physical violence and swearing )

You ran down the street as fast as your feet could carry you not daring to look back. You had been kicked out of your by your drug addicted farther after an argument and he had told you not to bother coming back. So you didn't, instead you took what little money you had and made your way towards the nearest motel. You never made though, as you were cornered by three guys that demanded your wallet. Instead of giving in you did something very stupid. You bluffed reaching for your stuff before making a break for it. You had expected them to chase you but you hadn't expected them to be quite so persistent.....and angry. You risked a glance back only to see them still on your heels, and your eyes widened at the sight of them gaining on you. You were already running as fast as you could but apparently it just wasn't fast enough. Your eyes darted back and forth looking for an escape route. To your left was a convenience store, normally it would be open all night but your luck had run out because for some odd reason it was closed. To your right was an abandoned house, if you could find a quick way in you might be able to loose them in there. Up ahead of you was a motel and a launderette, the launderette was out of the question because it was unmanned and you'd only be trapping yourself. On the other hand the motel did have a supervisor at the front desk but you weren't so sure that a single person behind a desk could Do anything to help you against three grown men that clearly had it in for you. A jolt of shock went through you as you felt one of the men's hands graze your shoulder blade as he attempted to grab you. The panic that gripped your heart sent you stumbleing forwards but you were able to use your hand to push off the floor, simultaneously stopping your fall and giving you some momentum to gain some distance. The sudden realisation that they were closer to you than you had thought dramatically limited your options. Without thinking, you sent yourself hurdling towards the abandoned house, in an act of desperation you launched yourself up the fence. Normally you would struggle to climb a fence like this but the adrenaline running through your veins had you up and over it like a master parkourist. ( if you really are a parkourist then you can ignore that line because you the boss.)

(Ralph's OP)

Ralph stood facing the back wall of the kitchen as he calved the last letter of RA9 into the wall. As he finished he moved the knife down to a bare spot on the wall and started again. In truth he didn't really know why he needed to do this or even if there was a reason behind it, all he knew was that he had an unyielding need within him to cover every wall with these messages. Ralph felt himself drifting into a trance as he lost himself in the calming feeling that always accompanied these carvings. However, Ralph's movements came to a sudden stop as a sound reached his audio units from outside. His head twitched as he identified the sound of three different voices yelling and the rattling of the fence that surrounded the house. He had visitors. Ralph quickly weighed his options, he could sneak out and confront his unwelcome guests or he could hide and hope they leave soon. He opted for the second option and rushed out of the kitchen towards his usual hiding place, knife cluched tightly in his hand like a comfort blanket. He took up residence under the stairs and tried his best to stay still despite his occasional twitching, from here he would be able to see what was going on in the main room and wouldn't be spotted unless someone actively looked under the stairs from up close. 

(Your OP)

You sprinted around the side of the house looking for an opening in the fence. If you could get back out before your attackers climbed the fence than maybe you could give them the slip and make a dash for the motel. Unfortunately there wasn't a single break in the fence, the only way back out was to climb over again. The sound of three pairs of feet thudding to the ground indicated that you needed to hide, fast. Your adrenaline was running out so launching yourself back over the fence was no longer an option. Your heart skipped a beat as you heard heavy foot falls behind you and you made a mad dash towards the house. You slipped on a patch of wet mud which sent you crashing to your side. Adrenaline long gone, you scrambled to your feet cursing as you knew that little slip up costed you some valuable time. You practically threw yourself into the door as you saw the three men round the corner and make directly for you. Knowing that there was probably a back exit, you ran through the living room towards the open doorway. You were just close enough to see that the room you were heading for was a kitchen but as you were about to cross the threshold something pulled you back. There was a moment of complete shock as your body went flying backwards before you collided with the hard floor. You laid there on your back stunned and winded by the impact, pain screamed across your back and it took you a moment to focus your eyes. Once you did you could see the three thugs staring down at you, they were chuckles get but their eyes were angry. "Thought you got away didn't ya." The one that had grabbed you spoke in a mocking tone as he grinned at you like he'd won first prize at the fair. Your eyes flicked to the three of them as you realised that they had encircled you. Suddenly painfully aware of how dire the situation was you attempted to get up. 

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