Simon X female reader part two

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You walked into the all too familiar building just as you had done everyday for the past few years. Except today felt different and you knew why. You quickly showed the android receptionist your ID before passing through the security gates and making your way to the lift. You took some deep breaths as you tried to reason yourself into common sense. "Right, OK, you are going to go upstairs to your floor than you are going to go straight to your desk. You are not going to steal any android uniforms from any storage closets or sneak into any bathrooms to hide them. You are not a criminal. You said what you had to say to get out of that mangy ship and that's all. Now you are going to do the right thing and forget any of that ever happened." Even as you whispered it to yourself it felt like empty words. Empty words with no real meaning.

The elevator doors opened and you stepped out onto the floor. Your desk was only across the room. All you had to do was sit down at the computer and start editing. The day would be over before you knew it and you could go home and maybe drop in to check on mum and Katie. You could continue with your difficulty yet normal life as a law abiding citizen. You started to make your way round to the little glass walled room when the storage closet caught your eye. In there was exactly what Markus needed. An android uniform. You knew they kept them in there because you often had watched as the androids went about their business and they were always opening that closet. You walked slower as you passed it, torn between the two choices. Your desk was so close, if you could just get to it than you could distract yourself from these crazy thoughts and avoid losing your job. You were just about to walk through the glass doors when you heard the distinctive clack of the closet door opening. Before you could talk yourself out of it, you had turned to look. As expected an android was stood in front of the door gathering a mop and other cleaning supplies. Your eyes trailed up above him to see a stack of neatly folded uniforms just sitting there.

You didn't even think about it as you steadily walked towards the distracted android. Instinctively, you glanced around to check if anyone was watching. No one. The few people that were around were too distracted to notice anything. This was your chance. As you reached the android's side you casually knocked the mop from his grasp and watched as it fell to the floor with a soft thump. The android looked at you blankly before bending down to pick it up. Sizing the opportunity, you grabbed a uniform, hat and a box to hide it in before smoothly sliding away from the situation. You didn't look back until you had reached the far end of the hall to check on the android. To your relief he hadn't seemed to notice the missing items as he closed the door and went on with his assigned work.

You kept walking as you looked down at the box in your arms. Your heart suddenly sped up as it dawned on you what came next. Almost solemnly your eyes lifted to stare at the bathroom. The men's bathrooms. At the time you had agreed to this you had no intention of doing it. The plan was meant to be that you would agree to their plot, get out of Jericho, turn them in and hopefully get a nice promotion so you and Katie could live a better life. So why were you standing in the hall of your work place planning on helping a bunch of broken androids break in and take over?

Your mind flashed back to Simon and you felt your cheeks heat up. You couldn't be serious, you mentally scolded yourself. Were you really throwing everything away for a crush you had on an android that couldn't love you back? Before you could start talking yourself out of this situation your mind wandered back to the little boy crying into his arms. Yes he was an android made to seem and act like child but he wasn't programmed to behave like a traumatised child. You couldn't fake that kind of pain. If you backed out now and turned them in not only would Simon and the other androids be caught but that little boy would be captured as well. Could you really live with yourself knowing you had snuffed out their chance of freedom. You kept telling yourself that they weren't alive, just imitating it but what if you were wrong. If you were wrong than turning them in and allowing them to be deactivated would be nothing short of supporting genocide. You pondered this for second before finally making your mind up.

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