Connor RK900 X Reader

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You stood in the middle of Fowler's office completely dumbfounded by what you'd just heard. You were being assigned to a partner, in all the time you'd worked here you had never had a partner. This was because Fowler himself said that you worked better alone and he was right, you preferred your own company because it meant no distractions from the case.

"With all due respect sir, I don't need a partner I work just fine solo." "I'm fully aware of how capable you are (Y/N) but this is not about you. I assume you watched the news this morning?" "No, I didn't have time because you told me to come in early." Fowler gave a heavy sigh and leaned back in his chair. "Since the Android rights law was passed Cyber Life has been ordered to release all of their remaining Androids." "I wasn't aware that they had any Androids, weren't they all freed?" It was common knowledge at the station that Connor had played a big part in the events that lead to Android freedom and how he had infiltrated the Cyber Life tower and freed the stored Androids. "Not quite, Cyber Life was apparently working on a new model that wasn't in the storage floors." 

You were about to ask how this had anything to do with your new partner but were interrupted by the door opening. "Oh, hi Connor." you glanced over your shoulder at your friend but quickly took a double take when you realised the  Android standing next to you was not Connor. He sort of looked like Connor but he was slightly taller and his eyes were grey, a dead give away that this was a different android. All together his appearance was a lot less friendlier and a lot more intimidating than Connor's. "Hello detective (Y/L/N), its a pleasure to make your acquaintance, I look forward to working with you." His voice was very similar to Conner's only slightly lower but not by much, in fact you probably wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't been expecting Connor's exact voice. "Working with me...?" 

You heard Fowler clear his throat. "Yes this your new partner hes' an RK900, one of 200,000 that Cyber Life produced as an upgrade from the RK800. Apparently they were so convinced they would put an end to deviants that they started producing the new Connor model early. Of course its illegal to sell androids now so they have been assigned to work in police stations all over the world. The idea is that they can do what they were programmed to do and if any of them become deviants they will have the opportunity quit if they so wish." You nodded in understanding and turned to your new partner. "So what do I call you?" "My name is Connor." "What, your name is Connor as well?" You face palmed, this was going to be so wired. You turned to leave the office. "come on Connor we have work to do."

As you began to exit the Fowler called out to you. "I'm aware that you live alone in a two bedroom apartment so its been decided that he will be staying with you until he can afford a place of his own. "What?!" You spun around quickly trying to re-enter the office but the rapid movement caused you to loose your balance on the stairs and slip backwards. There was a second of shear panic before you felt a pair of firm hands grab you from behind, stopping your fall. "You should really be more careful detective (Y/L/N), Humans are fragile creatures a fall like that could cause serious injury." You quickly regained your balance and stepped back from the RK900's grip blushing slightly. "Thank you." You muttered under your breath and pretended to brush yourself of in an attempt to ease your embarrassment.  RK900 raised a hand to your warm cheek and studied you. You looked into his grey eyes and noticed a small smirk appear on his lips. "So fragile." he he said softly before dropping his hand and heading towards you desk. All you could do was stare after him bemused and blushing furiously.

(Time skip)

It had been three months since you got partnered with the RK900 and although you thought it would be weird having two Connors around you soon came to realise that his personality did differ from the RK800. While the RK800 was rather innocent and struggled to read body language or catch on when some on was being sarcastic or rude to to him, the RK900 was not quite so innocent. He new exactly when someone was mocking him and he always seemed to have a good response to every one of Gavin's jabs. When they first met Gavin had tried to pull the same "Get me a coffee" prank that he had tried on Connor. To your surprise he walked of towards the lunch room and you honestly thought he had fallen fall Gavin's mockery as he returned with two cups. He handed one to you with a pleasant smile before turning to Gavin and pouring a cold coffee over his head. You don't think you had ever seen Gavin look so shocked and angry at the same time. You doubled over with laughter when Connor cocked an eyebrow at him and said "I'm sorry, if you don't like how I did your coffee than maybe you should make your own." Than Gavin lashed out at him in a fit of rage only to be instantly floored the RK900 which you found even more funny. Yes Connor RK900 could certainly work an attitude when he needed to. You found out that the RK900 was in fact a deviant, although there were still some human aspects that he didn't understand but just like the RK800, he was always keen to learn. 

Connor RK800 had always been determined to complete his missions but you quickly discovered that RK900 had ten times the determination. He could be a little ruthless at times in order to complete his mission and you two had already solved two cases in record time due to his actions. The two of you made a great team and worked flawlessly together, In fact you had both done so well that Fowler had given you the week off so that you could get some R,n,R. The truth was you had grown quite fond of the RK900 and had even found yourself having romantic feelings for him. Though you tried your best to bury those feelings as you didn't want to be rejected or make things awkward between the both of you.

You were currently laying on your bed staring off into space. RK900 was in was in your guest bedroom which now belonged to him since captain Fowler didn't given you a choice in the matter. Not that you really minded as the android was a quiet house guest, In fact when not on a case or discussing work, RK900 didn't talk to you very much. He mostly stayed in his room, if anything he seemed to avoid conversation with you at all costs. Just as you were thinking this you heard a knock on your bedroom door. "(Y/N) may I come in." It was RK900. "Yea sure, doors open!" He entered your room with your jacket in his hand causing you to give him a quizzical look. "Connor what are you doing with my jacket?" He glanced down at the jacket in his hand and for a second he almost looked apprehensive. "I thought that since its our day off, you might like to take a walk." You thought it strange that the offer seemed to come out of nowhere but didn't question it as the idea of getting some fresh air after spending all day indoors was quite appealing. "OK then." Hopping up from the bed you took your jacket from him and headed for the door. "Where do you want to go?" you asked as you got into your car. "I think it would be rather pleasant to walk near the river." You shrugged your shoulders at him. "Yeah I guess."

As you walked you took the time to appreciate how peaceful it was in this area of Detroit at night. You stopped and leant over the railing to look at the water, it was nice how the subtle ripples of the waters surface reflected the lights. Connor walked up next to you and imitated your position, the only difference was that you could see him staring at you from the corner of your eye. After a few minutes of silently enduring his constant glare you finally turned towards him. "Why do you keep staring at me like that? your making me really self conscious." He also straightened his posture and turned to face you. "Sorry it wasn't my intention to make you feel uncomfortable. Its just, I find you very intriguing (Y/N)." "Oh yeah, how so?" You started to walk along again, Connor walked next to you as he explained his apparent interest in you. "I've noticed that you are a meticulous worker and very skilled detective but it isn't that I find intriguing, there is some else about you..." Connor suddenly stopped walking and looked at you with a serious frown on his face. "I'm afraid you've become a distraction."

"A distraction...?" You found yourself parroting his words, not sure what to make of them. The android nodded slowly at you. "I haven't been completely honest with you (Y/N)." He took a step towards you and you automatically stepped back. "There is some thing you should know. Ever since I first saw you I have had a strange feeling, I had thought that it might fade if I kept my distance but whenever I'm not around you I find my self wanting to be close to you again. I wasn't sure what I was feeling so I asked RK800 about it. He believes that I'm in love with you." You were so shocked by his sudden confession that you couldn't find any words to respond. This is why he had been avoiding you whenever you guys came home from work. Seeing your lack of response, RK900 stepped forward again, this time pinning you against the railing. "I need to know if you feel the same way about me because if you don't.......than I will asked to be transferred as soon as possible." At this, you were finally able to find your voice. "I love you too Connor."

The android suddenly relaxed and smiled at you. "Well than I guess the only thing left to do is to ask you to be my Girlfriend/boyfriend." "Of course I will." The RK900 smirked at your response and lightly gripped your chin as he leaned in to kiss you. The kiss quickly become more passionate as he finally released all of the pent up  desire and love that he had been holding back all these months. You had never felt so much affection given in a single moment and as he finally broke the kiss to pull you into a warm embrace, there was no doubt in his mind that he loved you more than life itself and he would do anything to keep you safe and happy.

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