RK800-60 (Colin) x Reader

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(For anyone who doesn't know, RK800-60 is the android that kidnapped Hank at Cyber Life tower.)

Warnings: Hank (so swearing) 

Colin sat at the table in Hanks kitchen flicking through the final pages of the book he was reading. Reading was one of the many hobbies he'd picked up since becoming a deviant. In truth Colin hadn't really spent much time restricted by his programming as he was only created and activated after Connor became a deviant. His first and last mission had been to stop his brother from freeing the stored androids at the Cyber Life tower and of course he had failed miserably. Not that he minded, If he had accomplished his mission he would never have gotten the chance to enjoy deviance. He was also quite certain that if he had succeeded than he too would have been replace just as Cyber Life had intended to do with Connor if he had stopped the deviants uprising.  

Fortunately that hadn't happened and Colin along with all the other surviving androids could make the most of their new found freedom. Colin had a lot to thank Connor for. After Markus' peaceful protest won out Androids were finally given rights. However, only deviants were granted the right to life preserving maintenance and Colin had not been a deviant when Hank shot him.  He had been left laying in the empty storage floor of Cyber Life tower for several weeks before the employees finally returned to find him, by which time his systems were all but completely shut down. He would have been sent to the scrap pile if it wasn't for Connor enquiring about what had happened to his double and than demanding that Cyber Life try and fix him. At Connor's request, Cyber Life had fixed him and sent him to his brother. Connor had wasted no time in waking him up and asked Hank to let him stay with them. Hank had simply looked at the RK800-60 for a moment before shrugging and saying. "Fuck it, I already have one android what's one more?"

He had found the cascading river of emotions that came with deviance to be a very overwhelming at first. Still, it wasn't long before he was discovering a brand new appreciation for the world. Colin loved nature and he also had a keen interest in human behaviour. Although he had been offered a spot at the DPD he hadn't yet accepted the job. He new that he was more than qualified to be a detective due to his programming but he wasn't as confident as his brother and worried about messing up.

Placing the book down on the table Colin indulged in his other hobby, watching you. You were Hank's niece/nephew. You had been the one to guide him through the turmoil of emotions that he had to identify with as a deviant and had encouraged him to be more outgoing. Colin was surprised that you had accepted him so readily after he had kidnapped and threatened to shoot your uncle. But when he asked you about it, you had simply said that it wasn't really him back than and that his past didn't decide his future for him. You had shown him nothing but kindness these past months and he had quickly found himself growing attached to you. 

It didn't take Colin long to figure out that the feeling he had for you was love. Part of him desperately wanted to tell you how he felt but no matter how hard he tried he could never find the courage to do it. So instead, he settled for watching you from a distance and did his best to ignore the aching longing that gnawed away at him. Right now he was watching you as you played your favourite video game and chuckled as he saw you rage at it when you lost.  

You heard him laughing and turned around to give him a playful glare but you couldn't hold the facade for long and your frown quickly shifted into a bright smile. You patted the spot next to you and held up a spare controller. "Colin, why don't you come and join me if you think you can do better." He suddenly looked flustered. "Oh,no, no I...couldn't....w-well...I-I-I don't know how to play." You rolled your eyes at him as you shook the controller in his direction. "Oh come on, I'll teach you how to play Androids can learn to do pretty much anything. Please."

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