The Simon X female reader

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Authors note: This one was requested by Sakura29071. It's a bit of a slow starter but I felt it was important to set the scene with this one. It's also so long  that I've had to split it into two parts. I hadn't planned it to be so long but this one sort of ran away with itself.

You stood in your kitchen back straight, shoulders back, hands clasped behind your back. You held your head high as your eyes remaind fixed upon the far most wall like a soldier stood to attention. "Is there anything else you need miss Katie?" A delighted giggle filled the room as your little sister watched you gleefully from the kitchen table. Her feet swinging back and fourth from beneath her chair. "Yes, ice cream with strawberries!" Your eyes flicked down to meet hers as you nodded in acknowledgement. You had to bite your tougne to stop yourself from breaking character and laughing as you said. "Certainly miss Katie, let me prepare it for you. Keeping your eyes almost emotionless, you smiled politely at her before heading towards the freezer.

It was your little sister's sixth birthday and you were being her personal android for the week as a part of her birthday gift. She had actually asked for a real android for her birthday but you simply couldn't afford such a luxury. Your father had passed away just before your sister was born and your mother hadn't really recovered from the loss. After Katie's birth she had turned to drugs in order to deal with the pressure and you had watched for three years as she deteriorated. You had pretty much had to step up and raise Katie in her place and by the time she was four you had had enough. You knew you and Katie deserved better and so you had moved out and took her with you. You had a job at the broadcast station and that had been just about enough to keep a roof over your head and food on the table but in truth you were poor. The job didn't pay nearly enough for nice things but you managed. Even though you didn't have much, Katie was a lot livelier now that it was just the two of you against the world. She had what she needed and she appreciated it. And you? Well you were just happy you had been old enough to be able to get a job and move out in the first place. If you had been several years younger you and Katie would have been trapped with your drug addict of a mum and who knew what would have happened to you. You hadn't completely broken contact with your mother as you always hoped she would get better. 

As you scooped the vanilla ice cream into the bowl your mind took you back to the day you had walked out on your mother. She had had cried, no, sobbed when she came down the stairs to see her two children with packed suitcases ready to leave. You remembered her pained expression as you handed her your new phone number and told her not to call you until she had straightened herself out. It had been so hard to turn away from her that day. She looked like she was about to shatter as she shakily gave you and than Katie a hug. You remember how you had second guessed your decision to leave All the way to your new home. In the end it had turned out for the best. Without you and your sister around, your mother had finally come to her senses and seemed to be turning things around. About six months ago your mother called to tell you she had gotten help and was off the drugs. You had been skeptical at first but in the end agreed to meet with her. Surprisingly, she did look better. More like the beautiful mother you had remembered as a little girl. Unfortunately, Katie had not had the same pleasure of those good memories and that affected how she responded to her mothers' return to her life. Of course, your mother wanted you both to move back with her but you had matured too much to want to move back home and as for Katie, she wanted to stay with you. 

Your mother had been visible disappointed but she also seemed to understand. You and Katie had grown so close in her absence that nothing, not even your mother could come between you. Fortunatly for your mother, you desperately needed someone to look after Katie on weekends so that you could work longer hours and earn a bit more money. Because of this, you had convinced Katie to stay at your mum's every other weekend so you could work more. She had been reluctant to do so at first but after just a few weekends it seemed asthough she was enjoying the visits. At least some good had come of it because the pay raise hadn't been nearly as much as you had expected and certainly wasn't making that big of a different to your overall income. 

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