Daniel X female Reader

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(Author's note: requested by angelinahoster)

(Warnings: physical violence towards reader)

You looked down at the Android on your work table, like most of the Androids you worked on he was badly damaged. You worked for Cyber Life as a mechanic in the faulty machinery department. In the last couple of years there had been a dramatic increase in the amount of Deviant Androids sent your way and you had eventually come to sympathies with them. You soon realised that the Deviants weren't the same as the faulty Androids you worked on. You could fix faulty parts and system problems easily but you couldn't do anything about Deviants. At first you had tried reprogramming and wiping their memories but that had turned out to be a temporary fix as they soon deviated again. Eventually you concluded that the reason you couldn't fix the Deviants was because there wasn't actually anything wrong with them. They were so posed to have free will because they were sentient, they were alive. At that point you had made it your duty to help them, you started working from home witch allowed you to repair the broken deviants and send them on their way without suspicion. After each Deviant successfully left your care, you would call in at Cyber life and claim that the Android was too badly damaged to be fixed and had been scrapped. 

The Android on your table this time had caused quite a stir on the news. You knew that he was heading your way long before you got the call. You had watched him on the news and even though you did feel terrible for the young girl your heart went out to the Android known as Daniel. You looked down at his face to assess the damage and the memory played in your head. You remember watching the TV anxiously as the Android negotiator convinced him to release the little girl under the promise of Daniel being spared. Of course it was all a lie and the second the hostage was free Daniel had been shot at from all angles. It hand made you flinch, it was so brutal and so unfair considering that he was no longer a threat. It wasn't a protocol for him to be shot, if he'd been Human they'd have taken him in for questioning and allowed him to explain but because he was an android he didn't get that leverage, it was an execution an extermination and it was horrible to watch. 

After looking over the damage you concluded that reactivating  was possible. He would just need some new bio components and a little software retweaking but otherwise he'd be fine. His memory unit wasn't damaged so he'd still have his memories. That had been one of the things you'd been ordered to check, since this Android had murdered a human his memory was considered evidence so Cyber Life had asked you to salvage what you could of it. While you fully intended to salvage his memory you had no intention of turning him over as evidence. You planned to reactivate him and preserve his memory but that was about as far as it went for following orders. So many of his major bio components had to be replaced that it took you most of the night to finish. You decided to go and take a nap before reactivating him as you were so tired. Before leaving you made sure to disconnect his motion regulators to inhibit any movement just incase he self activated as Deviants sometimes did.

As you approached the door of your make shift lab you weren't surprised to hear a voice on the other side calling out. Your heart jumped with anticipation as you knew that meant Daniel had reactivated himself. You opened the door and gently approached the android laying on the table. "Hello, who is that? What is this place?! Why can't I move. With each question he seemed to get more and more stressed out so you leant over him, allowing him to see your face. "Shhh." You hushed him gently. "I'm going to reconnect you, just give me a second. You lifted the shirt of his tattered uniform and started reconnecting the wires without considering the risks of what you were doing.

(Daniel OP)

Daniel had assumed that his existence, his life was over. His memory units replayed the last moments he remembered. That android had promised him freedom. He had given his word the he wouldn't be harmed. In  a single moment of naivety on his part, he believed him. He remembered as Emma slipped from his arms and scrambled to get away from him. Guilt consumed him, sweet little Emma, she was so afraid. He never wanted to hurt her, he loved her. She was family to him, he saw himself as a farther to her or perhaps an older brother. He loved taking care of them and never wanted to harm them. He hated seeing Emma scared but he was scared too. In his mind, he had no other choice. Daniel didn't want to die but his so called family were going to replace him. He'd served them ever since he was first made and they were everything to him but they were just going to throw him away. Daniel was an old model, if he was gotten rid of he wouldn't have been resold, he would've been scrapped. He knew that no one would value his life but Emma? Her life had value to the humans, he knew that they wouldn't hurt him if her life was on the line. It was an act of desperation and Daniel had genuinely believed that it could work. While he was fully prepared to kill both himself and Emma he had honestly believed that it wouldn't come to that. He told himself that what he was doing was justified because Emma was a human. Emma had been so happy when her parents announced that they were getting a new android assistant. He knew that she was likely unaware that it would mean getting rid of him but he doubted she would care anyway. After all her parents didn't care so why would she. Daniel had seen how humans treated androids but his family had always been so nice to him that he was sure they were different. Now he knew better. He didn't matter to them, he was just a toy to be thrown away. It had only taken a day for Daniel to come to hate humanity. If he didn't matter to humans than humans didn't matter to him. 

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