Connor X sick Human reader

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You knew that something was wrong the moment you woke up. You felt weak and shivery, your head was aching and your stomach felt like you had swallowed a hand full of blades that were now turning around inside of you. You slowly pulled yourself out of bed but paused as your head pounded in protest to your movement. You waited for a minute before practically dragging yourself to the bathroom. You were convinced that if you could just get dressed you'd feel much better.

You showered as quickly as possible but you still found that you felt freezing as you stepped out and dried yourself. Getting dressed was a lot more difficult than normal as every minor movement made you feel worse. When you finally left the bathroom, you found yourself struggling to remember your daily routine and it took you ten extra ten seconds to remember that this was the part where you go into the kitchen for breakfast. As you entered the kitchen you heard your front door open as Connor walked in. "Good morning (Y/N), are you ready to go?" "Um, yeah just..give me a minute." Ever since Connor became your boyfriend, he had made a habit of stopping by your house each morning and traveling to work with you. Opting to skip breakfast you picked up your jacket and made your way towards the door. As you passed Connor, a wave of nausea hit you and you lost your balance. You weren't even aware that you were falling until you felt Connor grab you, stopping you from falling over.

"(Y/N)...." You looked up to see Connor analysing you, his brow creased into a frown. You quickly regained your balance but Connor kept holding you, apparently worried that you might fall again. "I'm fine, I'm fine...just not feeling too good but I'll be OK once we get moving." Connor eyed you sceptically for a moment before his eyes flickered across your body. If you hadn't known any better, you would have blushed at the gesture but you had seen him do this enough times to know what it meant. He was scanning you. By the time his eyes darted back up to meet yours, he knew what was wrong. "(Y/N), you have an elevated temperature, I suggest you get some rest." You shook your head and slipped out of his grasp as you started to put your jacket on. "I'll be fine honestly, besides I have to go to work." You zipped up your jacket and checked your pocket for your phone and keys. There was a brief moment of panic when you couldn't fine them. That was when you heard the dile tone and turned on your heels to find Connor with your keys in one hand and your phone in the other, making a call. "I'm calling on behalf of (Y/N) (Y/L/N)." "Connor!" You staggered over to him to retrieve the phone. However, Connor had anticipated your moves and in one swift motion he slipped your keys into his pocket and clamped his hand around your wrist as you reached for the phone. "They won't being coming in to work today because they're too ill.....yes.......thank you for your understanding......I will....good bye."

Connor released your wrist as he placed your phone into his other pocket. "Your manager sends his sympathy and wishes you a quick recovery." "You called me in sick!?" Connor gave you an innocent look as he responded in a matter of fact manner. " Yes, you are in no condition to go to work (Y/N). It is my suggestion that you get some bed rest and eat something that is easily digestible." You had to admit that you did feel pretty lousy but you were slightly pissed that Connor had called in sick for you like he was your mom or something. You held your hand out towards him."Connor give me my keys." "No." You gritted your teeth as you repeated your demand. "Connor, give me my keys!" Instead of returning your belongings to you, he stepped forward and began removing your jacket. You tried to pull away from him but the sharp motion caused the room to spin and your knees gave way underneath you. For the second time that morning Connor stopped you from greeting the floor face first and slipped his arm around you to support your weight. "Your temperature is rising, we should get you to bed right away." Before you could protest Connor had lifted you up and proceeded to carry you bridal style back to your bedroom.

He placed you on your bed and you didn't bother to fight him as he finished removing your jacket. He slipped your shoes off and placed the items neatly besides the bed. You watched as Connor grabbed the blankets and gently pulled them up to cover you. He offered a small smile as he slowly ran his fingers through your hair. "You should try to eat something, it'll help." You groaned in response and allowed your eyes to close. You heard Connor get up and leave but as the thought crossed your mind to ask him to stay sleep snatched you away from reality.

You were woken to someone gently shaking you and Connor's voice softly calling your name. A strong smell of hot food filled your senses and you opened your eyes to see Connor sitting on your bed with a steaming bowl of......something. You propped yourself up and eyed the bowl suspiciously. "What is that?" Connor glanced down at the bowl in his hands briefly before answering your question. "It's chicken soup, it's a good food to eat when your ill." He stirred the substance with a spoon slowly before scooping some up. "Here, it should be cool enough to eat now." Connor raised the spoon to your lips and you blushed as you realised that he intended to feed you. "Y..your feeding me, what's next are you going to chew my food for me as well?" Connor looked surprised for a moment but his expression quickly changed to one of confusion. "Well this soup is mainly liquid so it doesn't really need chewing...." You face palmed at his response, sometimes sarcasm went straight over his head. "Connor, I was...never mind." Connor tilted his head at you like a curious puppy and you couldn't help but smile at how innocent he looked.

Your eyes drifted back to the spoon he was still holding out to you. You didn't really feel like eating anything, least of all chicken soup but Connor had gone to the trouble of making it for you so you didn't want to tell him that. Instead, you leaned forward and ate the soup off the spoon. Surprisingly the soup tasted really good and the warmth eased your aching stomach. As your eyes met Connor's you could see a small smile tugging at his lips and you blushed as he eagerly refilled the spoon and offered it to you again. You repeated this cycle for several minutes until the bowl was empty. Connor rested the spoon in the empty bowl before returning his daze to you. "How are you feeling?" You laid back down and pulled the covers around you. "I'm so cold and tired and sick..." Connor stood up from the bed. "Give me a minute (Y/N), I'll be right back."

Connor left the room and you listened to him clanking around with the cutlery in the kitchen, probably washing up. When he came back He sat on your bed facing away from you and proceeded to slip off his shoes. You watched curiously as he removed his tie and jacket, leaving him in his pristine white shirt and grey pants. He placed the shirt and tie neatly on the bedside table before turning to face you. Without saying anything, Connor lifted the blanket and crawled into the bed next to you. You snuggled into him as he wrapped his arm around you. Than something suddenly occurred to you. "Connor, shouldn't you be at work?" "I called in earlier and took the day off, Hank can manage without me for one day." You were shocked to hear he'd dropped work to stay with you, Connor was the most punctual person you'd ever met and he'd never once taken a day off work. Part of that was probably due to the fact that he was an Android and didn't ever get sick but even for an Android Connor was very dedicated to his job. "You know you don't need to take care of me, this isn't the first time I've ever been sick." Connor pulled you closer to him and you felt him rest his chin on your head. "I know but I wanted to. I may not be able to keep you warm but I can offer you some comfort. Now try to get some sleep, I'll be here when you wake up." Wrapped up safety in Connor's arms, you closed your eyes and began to drift off to sleep.

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