Connor x Human reader-silver lining

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Violence/ Minor swearing due to Hank

You had been out all day trying to find something to wear to this stupid wedding and so far had no luck. You must have been in every clothing shop in Detroit by now and it was getting increasingly frustrating. How could there not be anything out there? was it you, were you being too picky? Deciding to make one ditch effort, you headed up the street to your next destination. However, you nearly walked straight into the glass as the automatic doors didn't react to your presence as they should have done. You stepped back and eyed the door irritably before your eyes landed on the sign. "Closed for cleaning? Since when does this shop close for cleaning?" You huffed and glanced inside to see if you could find some staff but your mouth dropped open when you saw the stated of things inside. It looked as though some one had ransacked it, everything was scattered across the floor. Some of the stands had been toppled over and you could see the two android attendants working tirelessly to clean it up. You wondered why someone would do something like this, the place was a real mess. As you turned to leave you noticed a hand made sign just inside the shop door laying on the floor. You tilted your head to see it better you and read the tattered sign. WE WANT JOBS NOT..... The bottom of the sign was torn so you couldn't read the last bit but you didn't need to rad it to know android protestors had wreaked the store. It was probably because like most stores, this store was run solely by androids. It wasn't enough for them to scream at people in the street, they were now vandalising things as well now?

You turned away from the shop and went back the way you'd came, today was shaping up to be pretty rubbish indeed. You'd had enough, you'd just have to find something in your closet to wear or maybe you'd rent something instead. either way you were done with shopping and just wanted to go home. As you made your way down the street the sound of shouting caught your attention. "Detroit police! Stop!" You heard an officer shout as an android came tearing round the corner on the other side of the road .  You watched as two officers tried to restrain him only to have the deviant push one into the road and send the other sprawling into a frightened bystander. You watched in shock as he took off again, leaping over obstacles and shoving people out the way. He was quickly pursued by...another android? Well that's certainly not something you ever expected to see in your life, an android chasing a deviant. You watched as this android followed the exact path as his target, only with a lot more care. He skilfully avoided the pedestrians around him despite the fact that it lost him some ground in the chase. He wasn't like any model you'd ever seen, even his uniform stood out as drastically different. You realised that he must have been the special android that you'd heard about on the news, the one Cyber Life had apparently assigned to the polices station to deal with deviants. It was pretty cool to see him in action. You watched until both androids were out of sight and the commotion died down before continuing your own journey home.

You headed for the train station, about half way down the street you turned into an alleyway taking your usual short cut. As you were approaching the other end the deviant that you'd seen just moments ago suddenly rushed into the ally, heading straight for you. You purposely stepped back and tried to clear the route for him, you'd seen how he shoved people aside in his desperation to escape and didn't want to get a concussion from him pushing you into the wall. As he sped passed you let out a sigh but the relief was extremely short  lived as he suddenly spun around and grabbed you from behind. His right arm came around you and across your collarbone until his hand had a firm grip on your left shoulder. He pulled you towards him until your back was pressed against his chest and stood staring at the end of the ally as though waiting for someone. on instinct you began to wriggle and scratch at his arm trying to break yourself free. You suddenly felt a sharp agonising pain shoot up your left side and looked down to see the deviant was sinking a knife into your side. It looked like some sort of kitchen knife, most of the blade was still visible and you couldn't tell exactly how long it was but it was definitely deep enough that you felt crippling pain whenever you moved. "Stay still or I will kill you!" the deviant hissed in your ear.

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