Rupert X reader part 4 reunion

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Beep. You sat in the old arm chair of the apartment curled up in Rupert's arms. Beep. The comforting sounds of the pigeons cooing filled the rooms as the morning sun shone through the window. Beep. You frowned as you lifted your head off Rupert's chest. "Did you hear that?" Asked him. His contented smile turned into a confused expression. "Hear what, the birds?" Beep. You shook your head. "No, that beeping sound. Can't you hear it?" His expression went blank as another beep echoed through the room. "Don't think about it." He said. You immediately noticed that something was off about his voice, it sounded distorted and far away. You were about to question it when your eyes fluttered open. 

The first thing you saw was the pristine white ceiling above you. You blinked a couple of times to clear your vision when you heard the beep again. This time it came from beside you and sounded a lot clearer and crisp. You looked to your side to confirm what you had half expected. You were laying in a hospital bed and the beeping was coming from the heart monitor attached to you. It took a few seconds for the past events to come back to you but the moment it did your mind flooded with questions. Where is Rupert? Was he ok? Did the broken android make it? Where are the other androids? Where are you? How did you get here and how long had you been asleep?

anxious to get out and find Rupert, you tried to pull yourself up into a sitting position but were stopped by the sensation of a dull ache across your chest. "Oh yeah... I got shot." You mumbled humourlessly to yourself as you dropped you weight back onto the bed. You looked up above you and located the call button. Luckily it had bee well positioned for you to reach it so you quickly pressed the glowing blue button. You had expected to see the typical android nurse so you were kinda surprised when a tired looking human nurse walked into your room. "Good morning miss(L/N), how are you feeling?" You didn't answer her question and instead watched as she checked the IV and monitoring equipment. " Rupert here?" You questioned hesitantly. You knew it was a long shot but you thought it worth a try. The moment the nurse gave you a curious look you already had your answere and the distress swallowed you like a black whole. "Who's Rupert, honey? Your boyfriend?" You nodded your head as you averted your gaze out the window. The blinds were drawn so you just ended up just staring at them. "Yes..." You mumbled in response. She seemed to have noticed your suddenly solemn aura and apparently wanted to cheer you up. "Well, I can try and track him down for you, maybe call him?" You shook your head. "He doesn't have a phone." The words sounded strange in your mouth. Everyone had a phone nowadays so it sounded like a lie even to you. The nurse sat on the edge of your bed and started to remove the IV from your arm. "Don't worry sweetie, if he was in Detroit than he would have been evacuated by now." Your head snapped around to look at her, did she just say Detroit had been evacuated? She stuck a band aid across your arm. "I'm sure he'll show up soon, you were one of the only human casualties reported so I'm sure he's fine." 

"Wait, what do you mean evacuated?" You watched as realisation dawned on her. "Oh I'm so sorry. I probably shouldn't be putting all this on you right after you've just woken up." She seemed almost flustered as she started packing away the used medical items. You got the feeling she was reluctant to tell you anything else but you had to know what was going on. You had assumed that you were in the Detroit hospital but apparently not. "What happened in Detroit?" Asked anxiously. She looked at you and you could see her trying to decide if she should answer you or not. when she spoke again her voice was calm, carful and calculated, as though she was trying not to get you worked up. "Look, you've been through a lot. Getting caught up in that android raid and a two hour surgery to remove the bullet...." She gave you a sad smile. "You've been asleep for a week and, well..." She squeezed your hand lightly in an act of reassurance but it only served to freak you out more. "Miss (Y/L), the world is changing and we need to be prepared to change with it. The last few days you've been here, a lot has happened and it may come as a bit of a shock." She slipped a TV remote into your hand before letting out a soft sigh. "Let me change your dressing, than you can flick through the news." She looked at the remote that lay in your hands as though she was already regretting giving it to you. 

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