Rupert and Human reader part 2

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(I wasn't going to make a part 2 for this but it was requested by SusanMara4 so here it is. I hope everyone enjoys it.)

(Warnings: mention of past abuse/ swearing/ violence)

You clocked off work and waved goodbye to your colleagues as you left. Making your way across the street you entered the allay where Rupert was waiting for you. He had been escorting you to and from work all week as you were worried that your dad may come looking for you. Fortunately you hadn't heard anything form him since you left witch didn't surprise you really. Rupert's face seemed to light up when he saw you and you found his gentle smile infectious. "How was work?" He asked in his usual soft tine. "It was good, I get paid today so I can pick up some food on the way home." Rupert nodded and looked up at the sky. "We should be quick it's going to rain soon and you don't want to get cold."

You had been living with Rupert for a week now and were slowly adjusting to living with the pigeons. Having them flying around the apartment meant that it wasn't sanitary for you to eat in the kitchen/living room so you had taken over one of the bedrooms. You had brought a fold out table that you had set up for a hyginic place to prepare food and would go in there to eat or drink. Rupert had placed the old bed back down on the floor for you to sleep in but you had only used it once. Normally you just fell asleep in the the armchair while talking to Rupert. You had learned a lot about him in the passed few bays and the more you learned the more Human Rupert appeared to you. Rupert said be believed that he was alive and he was right, you could see that Rupert was just as alive as you were. He had feelings, hopes, fears, wishes and dreams. He was every bit as Human as you. And the truth was the more you got to know him the more fond of him you became. Rupert was so easy to talk to and although he wasn't very talkative he listened intently to everything you had to say and when he did speak, he always seemed to have something important to say. 

(Rupert OP)

Rupert had never expected he'd be in a situation like this. He had never imagined that he could become such good friends with a Human but here he was. You weren't like any Human he'd encountered before and despite only knowing you for a short time he honestly couldn't imagine life without you now. He still wasn't sure of what the warm feeling was that you made him feel but what he did know was that he liked it and never wanted it to end. Before he met you he used to pray to RA9 to save him. Since the first day he met you he found himself preying to RA9 to show thanks for sending you his way. He never told you but very time you went to work Rupert prayed for RA9 to watch over you and keep you safe. You had really changed his outlook on Humans and made him believe that maybe one day all Humans and Androids could live together in peace. Rupert hoped for that day because he dreaded what would become of the both of you if such an outcome was impossible. 

Rupert lead you through the alleyway and out the other side towards his local store. As the two of you entered the attendant seemed to take not of Rupert entering with a companion for the first time before going back to his phone. Rupert walked down the aisle that sold foods and watched as you scanned the shelf for something to eat. He took note of each product you picked for future reference and quickly snatched up some more bird seed as you made your way back to the cashier. Rupert was shocked when you took the bird seed out of his hand and placed it on the counter with your own items. He gave you a questioning look and you shrugged at him. "You've been looking after me all week, let me return the favour." Rupert still wasn't used to these small acts of kindness that you often showed him but he decided not to argue with you in front of the cashier. After you paid, Rupert grabbed the bags and exited the store with you following close behind. He sensed you catch up with hi as he turned the corner and looked over at you. You were smiling brightly, a far cry from the person you'd been when he first met you. You seemed like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders, you seemed so happy now and Rupert found himself wondering if you were just happy to be free of your father or if he had anything to do with it. The sound of your voice suddenly jerked him out of these thoughts as you tapped his shoulder to get his attention. "Hey is everything ok, you seem miles away?" Rupert shook his head before responding verbally as well. "It's nothing I was just thinking.." Rupert wasn't sure why he didn't want to tell you what was going through his head. Normally he would be honest with you but for some reason he feared what you would think of him questioning the cause of your happiness. Luckily for him you didn't seem to worried about getting a direct answere as you went on to a different subject. "Does the fridge work in your apartment? Rupert gave you a confused look. "Fridge?" He wasn't sure what you were referring to, his model was never programmed with knowledge of household appliances because it wasn't needed for the work he was designed to do. "Yes fridge, it's the white thing in the kitchen." "Oh...I don't know. What's it so posed to do?" Rupert watched almost amused as the realisation sparked in your eyes before being replaced by a light frown. "Well it's so posed to keep food fresh for longer by keeping it cold. You plug it into an electrical outlet and it stays on all the time." Rupert tugged on his hat before answering you. "I've never needed to use it so I don't know but we can test it when we get back if you want." Rupert watched you nod in agreement before the park caught his attention. The thought of being surrounded by some greenery for a bit was very appealing to him. If there was one thing Rupert regreted about being a Deviant it was that he could no longer work in the lush green farms that he loved. Without thinking he took your hand and began leading you towards the park.

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