Rupert and reader part 3

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Author's note: This was requested by angelinahoster so here it is. I hope it's ok.

You let out a relieved sigh as you drove the last nail into the wood and stepped back to admire your work. You had managed to convince Rupert that letting the pigeons wander around freely was a bad for your health. Rupert had agreed to put up an indoor aviary that would stop the pigeons from contaminating the kitchen space. The aviary was designed to connect to the window, allowing the birds to come and go as they please. It took up half room but it was better than tripping over pigeons all the time.

You stepped back to look at your handy work glad that it was finally finished. You had spent the best part of a day trying to assemble the damn thing and at one point had to take it back down and start again because you put the door on back to front. You gently Gently ushered some of the pigeons through the door with you as you stepped in to put up some perches. As you worked you could hear Rupert muttering from the bathroom as he scratched into the walls. 

In the last week you had been working hard to decorate the apartment, painting the walls, putting down flooring and rigorously cleaning every inch of space that the quirky birds had inhabited. You had taken over the lease on the apartment and in a fortunate turn of events..well, fortune for you that is. Your father had been evicted due to not paying his rent and the landlord had asked if you wanted any of the furniture he left behind. You of course jumped at the chance to reclaim your belongings and Rupert seemed quite happy to finally have a furnished house. All in all the place looked nice. It looked lived in. The only room that hadn't improved much was the bathroom. You had managed to  clean up the bathtub, sink and toilet but as soon as you painted the room Rupert ruined it with his compulsive scribbling. You had come to understand that he couldn't really control it. If he didn't spend at least an hour a day scraping at those walls he would become nervous and restless. You had simply come to terms with the fact that you would have to keep covering up the scribbles with paint whenever it gets to bad. You hoped that one day you wouldn't need to conceal Rupert's religious practices as it just seemed so disrespectful to have to paint over them. 

As you placed the last stubborn pigeon in the aviary and closed the door behind it, you heard the bathroom door open as Rupert emerged. "That looks good." You looked up as he gestured to the large cage. You offered him a smile and proceeded to fill a bowl with bird seeds."You want to feed them now?"  You held the bowl out to him and watched a smile spread across his face. It was infectious and soon enough you were grinning too. He quickly closed the space between you and gently took the bowl from you. His other hand came up to cup your chin and he ran his thumb across your cheek. You became lost in the sensation before realising that Rupert was staring at you. You returned his gaze but found yourself taken back by the emotions you saw reflected back at you. Your mother used to say that the eyes can say a thousand words but you never really understood what she meant until now. Looking into Rupert's beautiful dark orbs your heart swelled. In that moment there was more emotion, more love in his gaze than you could even comprehend. Not that long ago you were nothing more than two strangers and now here you were  witnessing an overwhelming amount of love directed at you. Maybe Rupert's strong emotions could be explained by being an android. Perhaps deviants developed emotional attachment quicker than humans, you weren't sure. The only thing you were certain of was that you reciprocated every single bit of adoration he was showing. Rupert leant down to kiss you and you automatically leaned up to give him better access. You immediately melted into the kiss which, as usual was soft and sweet but also full of emotion and a desperate need that couldn't seem to be satisfied. 

(Rupert's op)

Rupert shuddered as his heat and pressure sensors picked up on the softness and warmth of your lips moving on his. No matter how many times you two shared a kiss it was always like a new experience for him. His systems always always stall momentarily each and every time he kissed you. He still had a hard time completely understanding his emotions but what he did know was that what he felt for you was special and powerful. When he first ran away from his servant life he had done so without knowing where he was going or what he would do. He'd ended up in the apartment trying to pretend to "be human" but he didn't really have purpose until he met you. Somehow you had given his extictence more meaning. With you he didn't have to worry about trying to look human because it just came so naturally. The more time he spent with you the more alive he felt. However, despite how blissful your relationship was there was always that nagging feeling that something might go wrong. Each time he looked at you, Rupert felt a small voice in the back of his head telling him that this could easily end so badly for both of you. If he was discovered it wouldn't just be him that would pay the price, you would likely go to prison for harbouring a deviant. Rupert prayed that Markus' attempts to gain them freedom would be successful. Than maybe he would be able to live openly with you. Maybe he wouldn't have to hide anymore.

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