Rupert X female reader

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(Author's note: I can see why there aren't many stories out there about Rupert. It's extremely difficult to get a feel for his character and than keep it consistent when he has so little screen time and information to go on.)

You trudged tiredly out of the lift and made your way up the neglected hallway. You had to stop and August the strap of your sleeping bag as your hair became tangled in it. You finally reached the door dumping your stuff to the floor as you fumbled for the keys. You decided to to prepare yourself for what awaited you inside. The land lord had said that this place was run down but you didn't expect it to be this bad. The entire floor was abandoned and you were pretty certain that if the inside of the apartment was as bad as this than it should probably be condemned. Not that you were about to complain about it, you couldn't afford anything better and had been lucky to find a landlord that would allow you to move in immediately.

Why did you need to move in instantly? Well it just so happens that your mother and her dick bag boyfriend had decided that they wanted your bedroom for their new baby and since you'd just lost your job to an android you didn't have a leg to stand on. You opened the door with your eyes shut, not wanting to see how bad it was. Instantly a musty smell hit your senses and you scrunched up your nose. Opening one eye you could see that the apartment needed way more than a little TLC. You slammed the door behind you as you made your way into the first room not even bothering to check out the rest of the place. The room was dusty and the thought of sleeping in it made your skin crawl. You didn't even want to consider sleeping on the discarded questionably stained mattress propped up on the wall. You just unraveled your sleeping bag and bedded down for the night. You'd deal with all your new problems tomorrow.

The next morning brought more surprises than you expected. You dragged yourself out of the sleeping bag and stretched your aching muscles. You pulled some canned food out of your bag and made your way to what you assumed would be the kitchen and living room. You frowned as your ears picked up on a strange scratching sound on the other side of the door. Gulping, you slowly pushed the door open. "Please don't let it be rats, please don't let it be rats." You whispered as the door swung open fully. You gasped at what you saw. The living/ kitchen area was filled with pigeons, dozens of them flying, pecking and scuffling at everything they saw. "Oh. My.God." You stated as you looked at the chaotic mess of feathers in front of you. "How am I meant to deal with this?" You asked yourself out loud. As you turned to leave something on the unit caught your eye. Walking as slowly as you could so as not to disturb the birds, you made your way over to the kitchen area. You picked up the item of your curiosity, it was a box of bird seeds. " pigeon feed?" No wonder the place was so packed with birds, someone had been feeding them. 

A tapping sensation on your foot caught your attention and you looked down to see a pigeon pecking at your feet. It looked up at you, pecked you again than back up at you. It took you a moment to realise that the pigeon expected you to feed it. You hesitated. You knew that if you fed these birds than you'd never be able to get them to leave. You looked at the far window that was cracked open slightly and considered chasing them out of it. The pigeon was still pecking st your foot and your heart melted as you looked down to see two other pigeons had joined him."oh all right than but just this once." You cooed as you knelt down to feed them. You were completely unaware of the stranger watching your actions from the rafters.

(Rupert's OP)

Rupert watched curiously as the human that had so rudely invaded his home started to feed and talk to the pigeons. He observed the (Y/H) tall, had (H/C) (H/L) hair and (S/C) skin girl as she happily conversed with the feathered creatures. Rupert noted that she was very beautiful for a human and he found himself wondering what the colour of your eyes were. He scolded himself for thinking this way,had he really so easily forgotten how dangerous humans can be? Rupert could tell that you were here to stay. He knew that the best thing he could do was sneak out at the first chance got and head to Jericho but part of him was reluctant. This apartment had been his home ever since he ran away. It over looked the farms and than there was the pigeons, his friends. This was his place and he didn't want to give it up. Rupert started to hatch a plan to get rid of you.

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