Jerrys x Reader

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Authors note: sorta short and humorous but it's been playing on my mind so thought I'd post it here to get rid of it's also kinda cute too so....yeah, here you go I guess)

You had been living with the Jerrys at the abandoned amusement park, that was until the army had stormed the park in search of Androids. All of you had been scattered to the winds in your attempt to escape. You had fled with two of the Jerrys and traveled with them across the boarder into Canada. That was two moths ago and you and both Jerrys were now living in a two bed apartment quite happily. You had got back in touch with the other Jerrys and found out that all of them had survived the raid, even the ones that got captured had been set free after Markus' peaceful protest won the Androids their freedom. At the moment you were out shopping with the Jerrys as you desperately needed some clothes for the warming weather. "(Y/N) what about this one?" You turned around to see both Jerrys holding up a top in your direction and smiled at their gleeful expressions. The Jerrys were always so up beat it was almost impossible to be sad in their presence. You eyed the top sceptically, it was very brightly coloured and you weren't so keen on it. "Um, I'm not sure guys. You've got the right idea but just not that particular top ok." "Ok." They said in unison and seemingly unaffected by your rejection of the item, the Jerrys nodded and went off in opposite directions to find something else. You shook your head and chuckled at their childish demeanour, they were always so eager to please it was really very cute. You continued looking through the racks of clothes, pausing to pull out an item you liked the look of. You were about to move onto the another section of clothes when a light tap on your shoulder caught your attention. You looked round to see one of the Jerrys holding up a jacket. The moment your eyes landed on the jacket you were in love with it, it was definitely your style and you just had to have it. You reached up a took it from the Jerry, who was eagerly awaiting your approval. "Jerry this is perfect, where did you find it?" Jerry beamed at you and adjusted his scaff slightly before pointing to the back of the store. There at the back on the very top row was a line of identical jackets and you realised that you probably wouldn't have looked in that area. 

"I'm definitely getting this one!" You flashed him a smile before heading toward the check out area. "Right that's enough shopping for one day, let's get me something to eat on the way hom alright?" You looked over your shoulder and Jerry nodded at you as the other Jerry appeared behind him. It was when the three of you stopped at the local coffee shop that you first noticed that something was strange. The Jerrys seemed to be acting kinda fidgety which struck you as odd. They were normally always so laid back it worried you to see them on edge like this. 

"Is everything alright?" You asked them. "You know we can leave if you guys don't feel comfortable." Both of them shook their heads vigorously and you sniggered at their actions. You finished your drink and stood stood up. "I think I might get a milkshake to go." "Let me get it for you." Both of the Jerrys said in unison. You smiled at them. "Your very sweet but it doesn't take two people to order a drink." The Jerrys glanced at each other and instantly decided on who would go. 

The other on sat back down next to you and began fiddling with his fingers. Concerned by the out of character behaviour, you placed a comforting hand on his arm. "What's bothering you Jerry?" He glanced at you before looking away. " I-I have something I need to tell you." You furrowed your brow, confused but also curious. " Jerry you know you can tell me anything, What is it?" He shuffled awkwardly. "We've been friends for quite a while now and I think we get ok..." You raised an eyebrow unsure of where this conversation was going. "Yeah, we do.." Jerry finally met your gaze. "I guess what I'm trying to say is.... I like you (Y/N). I like you a lot more than a lot actually.... I... I think I love you..." You gasped at the unexpected confession but quickly gave a warm smile. "I love you too Jerry. Just than you heard a clutter from behind you and both you and Jerry turned to see the other Jerry pouting at you. "B-but.... I love her/him too..." You felt you face burn as both boys looked at you for a solution. You couldn't just have a normal life could you?

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