Gavin X Android reader-part two

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(Got a request for a part two so here it is. I've found that Gavin is the most difficult character to write for but I tried to ensure that I kept him in character, hope I did a good job.)

Warning: minor swearing 

It had been two weeks since Gavin had walked out on you and you hadn't seen him since. You did your best to keep your mind of the matter, doing extra overtime at the restaurant in order to keep yourself busy. Being an Android meant that your manager didn't find your sudden enthusiasm to work none stop concerning. Androids don't get tired so he simply thought that you were trying to make the most of your skills and offered you a pay rise for your hard work. Even though you would like to, you couldn't work all the time and once the restaurant had closed you were left alone with your thoughts. You had come to dread going home as every time you stopped doing something, your memory units ran back to the events of that day. You tried to stop it but you found yourself running the recorded memories across your optical units like a movie on a loop. For the 367 00 time you flinched at the image of Gavin glaring at you, the anger in his eyes was unbearable and you found yourself trying to shut the memory off. The audio recording kicked in and you could hear Gavin's voice as though he was right next to you. You heard him telling you that you weren't real, "wires and plastic" that's what he had said before he left.  You tried not to cry as you closed your front door behind you and leant against it. Your eyes flickered to the dent in your wall and for a second you wondered if Gavin had wanted to hurt you that night. You shuddered at the thought and pushed it from your mind. Part of you hated Gavin because you felt that he should have excepted you for what you were. Another part wished that you had been born Human instead so he would love you. And another part simply regretted not telling him that you were an Android sooner. You knew that falling in love with a Human was a bad idea but you couldn't help it. He had given you a new purpose and made you feel truly alive but now you just felt....empty. You were functioning just for the sake of functioning because you couldn't bring yourself to shut your systems down. You didn't want to die but also didn't really want to live anymore. For the first time since your awakening you regretted becoming a deviant. If you had never deviated you wouldn't have had the chance to appreciate life, you would never had experienced happiness or the sense of achievement that comes when a job is well done or love but you also wouldn't be able to feel this crushing pain that comes with a broken heart. If this was what living was than you didn't want it, If you'd stayed as a mindless machine than at least you wouldn't have to feel like this. You headed over to the sofa, you didn't require sleep but lately you had found that going on stand by mode was the only way to escape from the hurt you were feeling. You sat down and closed your eyes as a notice flashed up behind your artificial eyelids indicating that the stand by program was starting up. You set an internal alarm for 7:00am, that would give you just enough time to get to work.

(Gavin's OP)

Gavin was driving home from work having finally clocked off. He had been quite busy with work these past two weeks and hadn't really had time to reflect on what had happened. When he did think about it, he found himself getting angry that he had been so easily fooled by you. It was humiliating that he'd finally found someone that he connected with and they turned out to not even be a real person. If Cyber Life had still been in charge of Androids he would have marched in there and demanded to know why they were programing Androids to pose as Humans. But they weren't so he couldn't ask them why you had agreed to pursue a romantic relationship with him. The only one he could think of that would be able to answer that question was the RK800 that worked at DPD but he'd be damned if he was going to admit to that plastic asshole that he'd been unknowingly dating an Android for the past several months. His car pulled to a stop at the traffic lights and he watched as a young couple crossed the road in front of him. They were joking around and laughing with one another and it reminded him of how he had been with you. It was strange really that he had never once thought that you could be anything but Human. Every time he was with you, you just seemed so....alive, so real. He had never had any cause to be suspicious of your true nature. The light turned green and Gavin's automatic car continued on its programmed route to his house. He tried to recall every memory he had of you, there had to be something, some signs that he had missed that blatantly marked you out as an AI. But there was nothing, every interaction he had with you, you behaved like any normal Human being. The only thing he could recall that had struck him as a little odd was the one time he had taken you to a restaurant. He noticed that you hadn't eaten anything but he had brushed it off, thinking that maybe you just didn't like the food they offered. He hadn't taken you to a restaurant again as you guys always found something more fun to do. Most of your dates had included going to the shooting range where he'd taken it upon himself to teach you how to fire a weapon properly. When you weren't at the shooting range you had gone to the movies or rented a speed boat for the day. He hadn't once thought that you could seemed so real, and your affection for him felt real too. No, there was no way he could have known. As his car pulled into his drive way and announced that he had reached his destination Gavin had a sudden thought that caused a lump to rise in his throat. If he had never found out that you were an Android....he would have spent the rest of his life with you.

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