Gavin Reed x Android reader

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Warnings: Angst/ swearing.

You tried to run across the events of the last few hours, the memories caused your thirium pump to speed up and you noticed your internal fans starting up to lower your rising temperature. Holding back tears you looked down at your clothes that were now stained with blood, human blood. Your processors began to organise the events and replayed them like a movie in front of your eyes. The restaurant where you worked at had been robbed and you had been an unfortunate witness to the ordeal. The hysterical man had barged in waving a gun around and demanding all the money you had. You had done your best to keep the situation under control and offered him the money in the cash register but when another employee had tried to intervene the man had shot him before fleeing the scene. You had wirelessly contacted the emergency services while simultaneously calling on every first aid programme you had in an attempt to help your coworker. It wasn't enough and you had watched as the life left their eyes long before any help could come.

The first response team arrived to find you sitting on the floor, cradling your dead coworker in your lap and sobbing hysterically.  As a key witness the police wasted no time in bringing you in for questioning . That was what brought you here, sitting in this interrogation room waiting for someone to interview you. You looked up at the one way window to see your bedraggled form staring back at you. No one would think that you were an android, your features were unique to you. Since androids gained their freedom Cyber Life sort of turned into a maintenance service while also offering updates and customisation. You were one of the androids that had signed up to be customised and you had to say you were glad that you did as you now felt like a true individual. 

The door opened and you looked up to meet the eyes of a man with a hard stare. You noticed how one corner of his mouth turned up in a slight smirk and you were thankful that Androids didn't blush easily. He was quite an attractive human and you found yourself automatically committing his image to your permanent memory units. He sat down in the chair across from you and you noted how he shuffled slightly in the chair to get comfortable before nodding at you slightly. "So your name is...?" "(Y/N)" He stared at you for a moment be for lifting his hand and flicking it at you in a motion that you'd come to understand humans typically used to indicate they wanted you to keep talking. "Gonna need your second name as well doll." You were slightly taken back by the pet name and noted it as an unprofessional use of language for this situation.  

"It's (Y/L/N)" "(Y/N)(Y/L/N)" He leaned back in the chair and tilted his head slightly. "OK (Y/N) (Y/L/N) tell me what happened." You recounted the incident precisely as it happened and once you were finished you immediately gave him a full description of the culprit. When you were sure that you had offered all the information you could you looked up at him for conformation. You weren't expecting to see him looking at you slightly surprised but before you could question it he laughed and the expression was replaced with a smirk as he moved to get up. "Well that's the easiest interrogation I'v ever done." He walked over to the door and opened it before turning back to, still smirking. "Your free to go now." He winked at you before leaving the room and you felt an odd sensation that you weren't familiar with.

Realising that you didn't know his name, you bolted up and ran after him. You caught him just outside the door and he seemed to have noticed you hurry to catch up with him. "Hey take it easy or your sprain something." He snickered at his own comment but you were a little puzzled, didn't he know that androids couldn't get sprains? They could knock things loose if their synthetic bodies were put under too much physical pressure but running wasn't nearly enough to cause any such damage. You brushed off the confusion in favour of asking what you had originally intended to ask him. "Um, you never told me your name."

He took a step towards you and leaned in to wispier in your ear. "How about this, I'll tell you my name if you agree to go on a date with me." You thought about his offer as he stepped back to observe your response. You had to admit that you did find him very attractive and it would be nice to get tot know him better. "OK, sure why not." You smiled at him as he was now pretty much grinning at you clearly satisfied by your answer. "Well in that case the names Gavin Reed and I clock off in a few hours so I'll pick you up at eight?" 

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