Ralph X female reader lemon

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Warnings: Sexual content 

Ralph had been acting very strangely lately. You'd first noticed it about a week ago when you had given him a hug. It was a routine thing as Relph loved to cuddle with you and was alway happy when you offered him affection. But this time he only returned the embrace for half a second before roughly pushing you away. You didn't get the chance to ask him what was wrong as he darted of towards the kitchen shouting. "Ralph is sorry, Ralph is sorry Ralph is sorry!" 

This had been happening more frequently and you also notice that he seemed to be avoiding you. It hurt because you didn't know why he was pushing you away. You knew that Ralph easily got overwhelmed by his emotions and tried to remember if there was anything you may have said or done to cause him to act like this. You couldn't think of anything that may have made him uncomfortable. You had been trying to convince him to leave the abandoned house and come and live with you in your apartment, but you didn't think that it was that as you had been pestering him with it for months and Ralph seemed to be warming up to the idea.  You made your way into the abandoned building. As you shut the door you made sure to call out to Ralph to let him know that it was you, you had forgotten to do that once and ended up startling Ralph which resulted in him almost strangling you to death before he realised who you were. You ended up spending the rest of the day comforting him as he felt so guilty for hurting you. You had made sure never to forget again, for your sake and his. You heard the scraping of Ralph's knife pause for a moment as he called out to you. "(Y/N) Ralph is in here!" You walked into the empty kitchen to find Ralph standing in his usual spot. You silently took note that he hadn't rushed over to hug you like he normally did and a twinge of pain went off inside of you.

Slowly you closed the distance between you until you were standing beside him. Ralph seemed tense up at your closeness, lowering his eyes to floor, you turned your body to face the wall he had been carving into, hoping that it would ease his discomfort. It seemed to work as he looked up and followed your gaze to the multiple "ra9" carvings that he had added to his collection. "You know you won't be able to do this in the kitchen once you move in with me but your more then welcome to do it in the spare room. I never use it so praphas it could be your....art, room, if you like?" Ralph was silent at your question which was strange. You turned to him, trying to gain eye contact but Ralph wouldn't look at you. "Ralph is everything ok?" "Ralph is fine." He still wouldn't look at you and you could tell he was lying. "Are you sure about that because you don't seem fine, in fact you've been acting kinda wired. Is it that maybe you don't want to move in with me?" Ralph was still looking at the floor but he shook his head vigorously at you question. "No Ralph wants to live with (Y/N), he wants to live together like a family but he thinks that maybe it would be best if Ralph stayed here." "Why?" You stepped forward to cup his face but Ralph tore himself away from you. That hurt, that hurt a lot. You couldn't help the tears from welling up in your eyes as all of the frustration and pain finally became too much. "Why do you keep on doing that, why do you keep pushing me away!" You saw Ralph flinch at your shouting, Normally you'd appolagise for raising your voice but you were too upset to think straight. You took a step back from him as the tears finally started to travel down your cheeks. "If you don't want to be with me than you should have just said so...I....I thought you loved me but maybe I was wrong." You caught a glimpse of Ralph looking at you in surprise but you had turned on your heels and headed toward the exit before he could stop you.

(Ralph's OP)

 Ralph ran after you, determined to stop you before you could leave completely and possibly never return. He didn't think he could handle it if he lost you. How could he have been so stupid, he was so afraid of his own emotions that he had ended up making you feel like he didn't want you. You were wrong of course, he did want you and he did love you, how could he not? You had been there for him ever since you met. You hadn't ran away when he lost his temper and you comforted him whenever he needed it, you loved him despite his scars and flaws. And now he was going loose you all because he was too afraid to confront you with his true feelings.

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