187 7 4

Name Cameron

Age 17

District 2

Played by Hungergames1348

Look Long blonde hair and blue eyes


" I hadn't always wanted to be in the games. Sure, most kids in my District dream of going in winning but, I was fine sitting at home watching from there where it was safe. Untill that one day........ She had been training for years, working day in and day out, spending all her hours at that training center making sure she was her very best. Tjen came the reaping day, her last chance to volunteer. I was praying she wouldn't take it but, she had been training for the last 12 years for this moment. I knew she would never pass this up. I watched the girls name be called,  a shy 16 year old who I recognize as my sisters younger friend, she walks up to the stage.She barley got to the first step when my sister came out and saved her, taking her place. That was the last time I ever saw her. I watched her fight in the games, she was definitely the best, everyone knew she would win. I had so much hope. Untill that last day, when it was just her and the District 3 girl. The girl was good but, not as good as my sister, there was no competition.  I watched my sister sneak up on her, watched her pull out her throwing knife, ready to throw it, all of the sudden the branch she was sitting on snaped and she landed in front of the last tribute.  She saw her chance and pulled out her sword, she stabed my sister in the stomach.  Watching my sister screaming in pain and watching the light fade from her eyes. The cannon sounded off and the games were over. Tne girl turned and walked away, not even glancing at my sister again. That's the day I vowed to kill the District 3 girl, no matter who she was. And now today that drwam was coming true. I had just volunteered,  I stand proud with my District partner. Hate and rage burning inside me. I'm winning these games, or go down trying. "

                                                        -Cameron (Hungergames1348)

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