District 7 girl Annabelle day 1

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I turned and looked at my reflection, my heart immediately began to beat, I looked like a real tribute. My designer, Maximusanthia or max for short said based on the suit expect water and high temperatures.he sighed "I think you have a chance Annabelle I really do.""thank you. "I said. He smiled and put my family necklace on me and tucked the heart part underneath my suit. He hugged me and gave me a kiss on the forehead. As I stepped on the platform, he waved and said goodbye in the most respectful way possible, he touched his three middle finger from his right hand to his lips

I let a tear fall at the gesture as my platform rose.

As we all rose I realized max was right about the water, I was also desperately trying to visually breathe in everything around me before the ten second were up. I saw mystical creature and six areas I could go in.

5...4...3...2...1 BOOM!

I leapt into the water and allowed my agility to kick in. My speed got slower once I saw mesmerizing mermaids, I was completely envious of their flawlessness And Slowly Began To Lose my breath. I remembered from training that in order to get out of this jealousy induced trance I had to think positively about myself. In no time I was swimming again and had my speed controlled so I could think whether I should flee away or get supplies and risk bathing someone in their own blood or even my own. I noticed that the mermaids had new targets and got to the land. I grabbed a brown bag that was closest to the woods (since I'm from district 7 after all). In the midst of everything I forgot about my allies shay and kaitlyn, and decided I'd find them later instead of going back through the blood bath. As I got deeper into the woods, district 10 ' s boy ran I to me and immediately had his bow and arrow loaded and aimed at me. I was defenseless which was my worst fear. Not knowing what else to do I tackled him down and grabbed the knife that I saw fall at the same time. Then I did something I swore I'd never do unless I had no other choice, I killed him. I noticed he had supplies so I took his bag and weapon. Then I leaned down next to him closed his eyes and let a tear of mine fall on his face. I knew he was dead when I hear a cannon. I continued my trek through the woods but still heard cannons and the blood bath back at the cornucopia. The farther I walked the more tired I had expected to be, strangely enough I wasn't tired at all. Either way I decided to take a break so I could look at what supplies I had. I knew the ground wasn't safe so I climbed a tree and wrapped my legs securely around the trunk of the tree so I wouldn't fall off. I opened the luckily brown bag and found two flasks (one filled with water, and one empty one), iodine, crackers, ten strips of beef jerky, a first aid kit, and a sleeping bag. I then opened the black bag that I got from the other tribute and found a thick rope; which I tied myself to the tree with, a kit sicknesses, a bigger flask than mine filled with water, poisen darts, goggles that made everything visible during night time,, and another sleeping bag. I tried to go to sleep but when I couldn't I got down from the tree instead of being frustrated from sleep deprivation. As I was walking, I came across a figure and had my bow and arrow loaded and aimed at it. When I got closer I realised it was my allie, Kaitlyn. I went and sat next to her, which was a mistake since she was in defense mode and aimed a knife at me. When she realised it was me, she said "sorry". I could see the stress and exhaustion in her eyes so I offered to take watch. I saw the hesitance in her eyes since I was the youngest, but she gave in and went to sleep on the tree trunk closest to Shay. I sat down and prepared myself for any harm to come. I also too the silence as an opportunity to think of all reasons I should try to win the games, and try to do something President Snow would hate. By the end of my mental list I was more determined than ever. I stopped thinking when I heard a sound, I aims my bow there and when a cannon sounded I jumped and accidentally let my arrow fly. Either way the noise stopped. I decided to eat a strip of beef with a cracked and half a cup of water. The only thing I thought was that I was not scared than I had ever been in my life, and that I hoped the odds really would be in my favor."

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