Day 2 challange

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You will have to put in the challange that I give you int your day 2 story. Aso I have put each tributes name into a hat and drew someone who gets a free kill but, keep in mind once this person has there name drawn they can not get drawn again. The person who gets the free kill is...... Katniss from District 11! Congrats! Please message me and tell me who your kill is.

District 1: You wonder off leaveing your allience member.

District 2: You acadetally eat something your allergic to.

District 4: a tree falls on you and no one is around to hep.

District 5 girl: You get lit on fire and must put it out.

District 5 boy: You are put in a trance by a mermaid.

District 6:You are noticed by a tribute who you are afried might kill you ( message that person and I so we know.)

District 7: You go off into the unknown part.

District 8: You make a unicorn mad.

District 9: You are stung by many tracker jackers.

District 10: You eat a boar with swine flu.

District 11 girl: You hear someone that you love screaming fr help, you dont know that they're just jabber jays.

District 11 boy: you can't sleep because of nightmares.

District 12: You go hunting but do not catch food.

Okay guys thoses are your challages. You may chose to have your charecter killed or you can recover in your day 2. It's your chose.

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