Robyn day 3

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"I woke up before Nut and Blazer meaning I lived another day. Nut and blazer soon woke up after me. We sorted our supplies and ate the small amount of leftovers from yesterday night.

"I'll go get us some berries" Nut told us. We nodded and he headed off. Me and blazer were sitting around fixing something's just enjoying each others company. Nut was still gone and we were getting a bit worried. We hummed the 4 note tune a couple of times and didn't get any reply. We were debating if we should go and look for him or not.


We heard a cannon go off, and heard leaves crunching in our direction. We picked up our backpacks and weapons along with nuts sword since we know how to use it, and took off running as fast as we could. After what felt like forever we found a small clearing kinda like our other camp and settled down. We both didn't speak because We still couldn't believe Nut was dead.

It was late midday and we haven't gotten any food to eat, we still had a full canteen left of water so we weren't worried about it, but we haven't eaten almost anything all day and we were getting hungry. We both knew that we needed to get something to eat but, we were still scared of what happened earlier.

"I'm going to go set traps so maybe we might catch something." Blazer told me. I was hesitant at first but, then agreed. "Okay, I'll see if I can get anything while hunting." Blazer nodded and we split ways. I was walking for ten minutes when I seen a squirrel, I shot it and collected my arrow like I always have when I make a kill. I need to catch something else because this isn't going to fill us up, I thought to myself. After a little of searching I seen a good size rabbit, killing it I brought my two kills back to camp.

On my way there I heard a cannon go off, afraid that it could be Blazer I got scared and started to run. When I got back to camp I seen that blazer was already back. Relief flew through me and I asked him if he knew who died.

He nodded in response, "Kia, I killed her." Even though I didn't like the idea of killing I was glad he killed her and he was alright. "Did you get anything?" I asked. "Yeah, 2 rabbits, you?" I smiled "1 squirrel and 1 rabbit.

We decided to eat my squirrel and the bigger rabbit he caught and save the 2 others for day 4. We cooked them and ate in a comfortable silence. We packed our stuff up and hid it, incase someone came by. We walked into the cave like hole with our sleeping bags and blankets.

"I'll take first watch Robyn." I nodded gratefully and was soon fast asleep. After 6 hours, blazer woke me up and I took the other watch. We didn't get as much sleep since we're only two people but, it wasn't anything extreme when it's your life on the line of life or death.

Onto day 4.. Was my last thought before I watched every movement nature did."

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