District 9 girl Savanna day 1

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stare at the cornucopia, watching as the blood bath begins. I should flee. It will be safer.

No, I can't. I need the supplies.

There has to be a way...

I see it! Towards the tail, there are a few supply packs and weapons, but no one seems to notice- they're small, and everyone is going after the big things. I scan the area once more, just to be sure. Nobody's watching, and the items are still unnoticed. I prepare to jump into the water, then stop short. They'll see me, and I don't swim that well.

I turn and run towards the jungle, which is right behind me. I can use it as cover until I reach the shore right in front of the tail.

I've just reached the treeline, when I hear the sound of voices. I press myself against a tree, and strain my ears to hear them.

"We should go. They'll catch us." says one, a boy.

"We don't have any supplies! We'll die of thirst or hunger or hypothermia or something!" protests the other, a girl this time.

"I'm sure we'll find something. Now let's go!"

The girl grumbles an agreement, and they continue. I don't let out the breath I've been holding until their footsteps fade into the distance, and with a sigh of relief, I run the short distance to the beach and dive in, the cold water shocking me as it comes into contact with my skin.

The current, thankfully, aids me rather than hindering me, and when I reach the cornucopia, I remain unnoticed. I snatch up the three supply bags lying on the ground, and sling them on my shoulder. With the other hand, I bend and pick up a few knives and daggers lying in a pile, then, for good measure, reach for the weapons belt beside it. However, I knock over the pile of weapons, and they hit the ground with a resounding clang. I stand, and in fear, shove the knives I've managed not to drop into one of the bags, which, thankfully, is open already. The sound of running comes closer, and with one last quick look at the items scattered, I grab one of the swords leaning against the

cornucopia, and turn left, away from the footsteps. My heartbeat is loud in my ears, my feet slapping against the earth thunderous to my scared self. When I reach the shore, I am met by a pair of scared emerald eyes. The boy stares at me, fear dancing in his eyes. His body is tense, like a cornered animal. I stand motionless in shock, and then he dives in and I'm quick to follow suit, heading in the opposite direction."

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