District 5 girl Kaitlyn day 1

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"I stepped into the tube that would carry me into the arena. I gave my stylist Neveah one last smile to bid her farewell. She smiled back at me and gave me the three finger salute. I gasped. When I was little and my mother was still sane, she told me that that was an old District 12 gesture, one that meant admiration or saying goodbye to someone you love. From the dark glint in her eyes I could tell she also meant something else. My mother said that it was also a sign of rebellion. What did Neveah want me to do? Rebel against the Capitol? I would if I knew the first thing about starting a rebellion. The peacekeepers noticed her actions and began dragging her away. I gave her a confused look which she returned with a simple nod of her head.

That was odd... The tube shot me up into the arena. I saw a vast ocean in front of me. There was an island in the center, which housed the Cornucopia. There were 5 other areas, one of which I noticed was the woods. I smiled to myself at that. I looked around at all my fellow competitors. I saw my ally Shay standing on her platform, looking more ready than ever. We had a formulated a plan earlier that we would both go into the bloodbath to get supplies and then meet up later.

I heard the countdown begin. 3. I got ready into my swimming stance. 2. I breathed in deeply, calming my jittery nerves. 1. I dived into the ocean and swam faster than I ever have before. I saw mermaids and piranhas in the water but I swiftly dodged them. I silently thanked my father for giving me swimming lessons for the first 10 years of my life. I was the first one to reach the Cornucopia. I took up the biggest backpack I saw as well as some throwing knives and two spears. After this I quickly ran into the woods, not sparing anyone a second glance. I heard a few cannons go off and shook my head sorrowfully. Some people just lost their loved ones

"I'll take the first watch duty." I offered. She smiled gratefully and agreed. In 5 minutes flat she was in a deep sleep and I was moving around trying to get into a comfortable position. I heard a faint beeping sound and I paused. Sponsorship already? It couldn't be because I didn't need anything at the moment. A small parachute fell into my lap. I opened the tiny box and pulled out the neatly folded note. When I read it I almost fell out of the tree from shock.

Your father is not dead.~ N


21 hours ago

That was my biggest fear; one of my loved ones getting hurt or worse, dying. I've already lost my father and my aunt. I didn't even care about my own existence. My number one priority in life was to protect the people that I loved. Two hours had passed and I was still running. I was deep into the woods right now, away from the rest of civillization. I had no doubt that the other tributes were further in land. I slowed my sprint down into a fast walk and looked around for somewhere to sleep for the night.

I saw a large tree and decided to sleep there. I threw the throwing knives into my bag and tucked the spears under my arm. I climbed the tree quickly and settled myself on a sturdy branch. I was searching through my bag when I heard the rustling of leaves. I got into my defensive mode, whipping out my knives.

"It's me." were the simple words I heard. I instantly recognized the voice as Shay. She climbed over to the branch that I was on and took a seat next to me.

"What did you get from the Cornucopia?" I asked her curiously.

"I got a bow & some arrows and a backpack with food." She replied. "What did you get?"

I showed her all my supplies which consisted of the the throwing knives and the two spears and a large flask with water, some dried beef jerky, a sleeping bag and some rope from the backpack. She smiled in satisfaction. "Great!"

"Did you kill anyone? I asked her softly.

"The District 8 boy." She answered vaguely. I wanted to know why she killed him but she didn't look as if she wanted to talk about it. I didn't have any intention to kill anyone, not unless it was a matter of life and death"

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