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jimin's alarm went off at 6.15 am but jimin was already showering, he couldn't sleep anymore so he had woken up at 5.30 am, he was excited but also nervous to meet his students and colleagues. after the shower jimin went to the kitchen to feed chimmy and to make himself some toast and fried eggs.

at 7 am he left his apartment and got into his car. his car is an old yellow mini car he bought himself some years ago, he had to save a lot of money to buy it and even though you could clearly see, the cars best days were over, he still loved it. about 40 minutes later he finally arrived at school, he didn't get a job at the school near his home because they weren't looking for a new teacher, luckily he found a job at another school in seoul that wasn't too far away.

bangtan high was a rather small school but still seemed really modern and clean, the halls were still empty because school would only start in 30 minutes, but the principal had told him to come a little earlier so he could introduce himself and explore the school a little, so he wouldn't get lost when the lessons began.

the principal's office was a bright office with a lot of posters with motivational quotes written onthem or smiling children holding hands, in the middle of the room was a desk on which a man in his 50s was sitting. he had black hair with grey strands, warm brown eyes and a welcoming smile on his lips.

"ah welcome. you must be park jimin, right?" the principal said, "my name is kim heechul and i'm the principal of this school, i'm also the social worker in this school and i teach math and physics."

"it's nice to meet you mr kim, you seem pretty dedicated in this school" jimin outstretched his hand to shake the principal's hand.

the principal laughed "yeah but being a teacher is my dream and i love this school so i like helping the students and this school as much as i can."

20 minutes later jimin had finally found his classroom and was preparing some last few things for his lesson while trying to think of how he could greet his class to seem cool but also like a teacher they had to respect. he looked down at himself for one last time, to straighten his white shirt with his light yellow tie, just then the bell rang signaling that the lessons are going to start now.

many students entered the classroom talking with their friends about their holidays and looking for a seat.
"good morning students" jimin started as all the students found a seat "my name is mr park and i'm going to be your math teacher for this year. i hope we all will get along well."

the classes went well, the students liked jimin and jimin liked the students, they listened well but they also joked a little in the lesson. during the lunch break he met his other colleagues, with two of them he especially got along well, lee taemin and kim jongin they were both around his age and were both really nice to him, jongin also told him that the 12th grade students have school a week later than the others, so jimin has the next two hours free because he would usually teach a 12th grade class at this time of the day.

at 5 pm he could go home and even though the day went really well he was still exhausted and he still had to drive home. when he finally made it home, he fell on his couch exhausted and let the day in his mind again, when suddenly his phone started to ring signaling he got a new message. he smiled as he saw that jungkook had texted him and unlocked his phone quickly.


hey hyung, how was your first day at school?
i hope you're not too exhausted(:

hi kook-ah i'm fine and it went really well. the students and teachers are really nice to me and i also made some friends, taemin, and jongin💜

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