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(a/n: 18+ i guess)

the halls of the hotel were filled with many people, mostly boys from about 12 years old up to 25 or something. they all walked towards the big room at the hotel were the contest was supposed to be held at.

jungkook looked at all of the contestants with wide eyes and suddenly he wasn't feeling confident anymore, what was he even doing here? there were so many talented singers, probably way better than he was, how could he ever think that he'd stand a chance?

he had no more time to think about it because he had arrived in front of the contest hall, about 80 boys were already standing there waiting for the doors to open so they could finally enter and see were they had to perform.

a minute or two later the woman from earlier came into sight holding a microphone to her lips so they could all hear her.

"i'm happy that most of you seem to be here now, we will now open the doors and then you'll have the chance to prepare yourself and look around the stage. at 7 pm the audience will appear and about 15 minutes later we'll start with the first performance. you'll get your number in a few minutes so you know when it's your turn. do you have any more questions?" she asked them, looking for anyone to raise his hand.

as no one raised his hand she nodded and then signaled for two staff members to open the doors, all contestants immediately walked inside to see everything. jungkook waited in front of the room until everybody was inside, not wanting to squeeze himself through all these people.

"are you jeon jungkook?" a man asked him, as he entered about 10 minutes later the room with the stage and about 200 seats for the audience, the man was about 50 years old and looked extremely stressed with sweat shining on his forehead.

"yeah i am." jungkook confirmed, trying to act like he was confident and not still the shy kid from his childhood.

"well you'll be contestant number 54 later on, okay? you can't forget that number because if you're late you'll be immediately eliminated."

"uh i understand, thanks." jungkook forced a smile out and watched the man quickly walk to the next boy and telling him his number.

jungkook decided to walk up to the stage to see how it would look to see the audience form up there, it was honestly breathtaking, and the audience wasn't even there yet.

it was weird, jungkook was extremely shy in front of strangers and didn't enjoy talking to them at all, but up on stage he was a completely different person. up there he wasn't shy and loved being in the center of attention.

after checking the backstage area out as well he decided to search for a quiet place so he could practice again. a few minutes later jungkook found a corner backstage where he was able to sit down and then started sing his song once again.

after the tenth time of singing thevsong he decided that it was enough now and that he couldn't do anything more right now so he pulled his phone out of his pocket to see that he had some unread messages from his friends and jimin.

he checked jimin's first.


mr park
hey jungkook, i was just wondering if everything is alright?

mr park
i guess you're practicing right now so i don't want to bother you...

i'm fine mr park, thanks for asking

i just practiced a little and am now taking a break, i don't think i can do anything more right now

mr park
don't stress too much, you'll do amazing

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